Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Haircuts for Boys

Well, we are off to get haircuts for the boys. In a normal life, this wouldn't be something to warrant a post, but in OUR lives, haircuts have become a source of much debate. Nathan's hair is, arguably, much too long. It has also become very much a defining feature for my 11 1/2 year old son. He has to shower every morning so his hair looks "good". When we are out, I often hear, "How does my hair look, Mom?". Usually my answer to him is "Fine, Honey" while in my head a little voice screams "TOO LONG! I want to SEE your face!". Of course, being younger brothers that would follow Nathan off the Bay Bridge, Collin and Danny want hair just like Nate's. The problem is that their hair is a totally different texture and never gets longer-theirs gets BIGGER (picture two identical adorable boys with Q-tips on the top of their heads. Yep, that's Danny and Collin)! I guess I have determined that this isn't an issue I am willing to live and die on. Thus, we are going to see the woman that cuts MY hair so that my BOYS can have their hair not just cut, but styled (The last time they went to the barber with Dad like normal boys, there was much wailing and gnashing of teeth when the boys came home. NOT WORTH IT!!)! Good grief, what kinda boys are these? The real problem is that I am jealous because it's been MONTHS since I've had my hair cut. Maybe I can make an appointment while I'm there. I'll keep you posted.

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