Monday, November 24, 2008

Dancing with the Stars and Crickets? A must read!

The kids and I enjoy watching Dancing with the Stars. The kids only see the first couple dances, but they love them. (Misty May Trainer was their favorite-beach volleyball was really big in our house during the Olympics!-but she was hurt early on.) This season, Brooke Burke has been amazing. She is a wonderful dancer not to mention too beautiful for real life (She really makes the rest of us REAL MOMS look BAD. Come on, who really looks like that after 4 kids! Talk about GREAT genes! I did hear her ex-husband is a plastic surgeon. Maybe he does really good work?). Anyway, we are watching her dance tonight and you could've heard a pin drop. In a room with 3 preteen boys, the scraps of fabric called costumes can make a mom a little nervous. I am sitting there wondering just what kind of double sided tape Brooke uses on her top when Danny looks at me and says...

"Mom, what do crickets eat?"

WHAT!?! Again I say, WHAT!?! Aaaaahhhhh, I don't have nearly as much to worry about as I thought! Thank God for Danny!


MaierHousehold said...

I am so addicted to DWTS! I love that show! I too was heart broken when Misty got hurt and had to leave the broken heart was because that meant no more MAKS!

My vote for's a toss up between Brooke or Lance. They have both done a really great job!

Misty V said...

Love DWTS! We were watching last night also! Go Brook! I seriously doubt those are real!!!