Sunday, November 16, 2008

Are You There?

Just wondering if anyone reads this thing. Maybe I've board you all to death? PLEASE, feel free to leave a comment to let me know that you enjoy (or not) our little blog. Our hope is that if we don't get to see/talk to you everyday this keeps you up to date. It also serves as a journal for the kids later-so they can see that we really did have a happy life. Or maybe it can serve as cliff notes for their therapy later in life! Anyway, hope that you are having a great weekend!


Misty V said...

Keep um coming, Momma! I enjoy reading about you and the kids!

ME said...

Don't stop now.I like the cliff notes for therapy idea. I'm sure my kids will need it


swoozyQ said...

I know how you feel but you should keep up the good blogs. It's fun to see what you all are up to. Gives me some good ideas too.

Angie said...

Ohh! Keep the blogs coming. I really do enjoy them, even if I don't respond often.