Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Beautiful Flowers from Hubby

Yes, I already posted about my flowers, and really, I'm not bragging (much). There is a story that goes with the flowers. My wonderful Gary sent me not only 1 arrangement, but 2. I didn't get the second until later in the day. However, there was a SNAFU with the "order" of the flowers. Gary ordered the bouquets FTD online and most likely won't do that again.

This morning, the first bouquet was delivered. It was pretty, but really not Thanksgiving-y at all. I wasn't going to complain (he sent them all on his own with no prompting at all from me!), but they didn't look like something he would've chosen. Only later did I find out he DIDN'T. Here's what was delivered:

Again, pretty, but not really a fall arrangement. I found out when talking to him, here's what was ordered:

That's a HUGE difference! Not only that, but I only got one arrangement! He wanted to know where the other one was! (Ok, now picture me thinking, "The OTHER ONE!?! Really, there's ANOTHER one! Wow, he is really on the "Great husband" list today!) Well, I did get another one, from a totally different florist and it is BEAUTIFUL. Here it is:
Anyway, to make a long story short, he called back FTD and, after a long telephone discussion (Gary is NOT a telephone person for those of you that don't know him), we were reimbursed for the first arrangement since we weren't satisfied with it. The florist wouldn't admit they were wrong and deliver the correct flowers. (I was thrilled with the second florist, and would use them again.) I am just wondering if the first florist realizes that they have really screwed me for delivered flowers in the future. They made a wonderful, beautiful gesture into a huge hassle for my husband! (Gary says he doesn't like flower delivery now.) GREAT, thanks, *&#@$&* FTD!!!

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