Today was a Dover Day. (If you don't know what that means, read previous "Beware I'm Feeling ..." post first.) I actually was ok with that this morning. Since last Dover Day, I have computerized my list. This was Gary's idea: Make a computerized list with everything that I might commonly buy. When it is time to go shopping, check the list and cross out anything I don't need to purchase. This prevents me from forgetting something that I might not put on the list. I have come home without toothpaste, paper plates or toilet paper in the past because I haven't put it on the list. (He often has good ideas about how to organize me. I, on the other hand, resist organization for some unknown reason! One of my many faults!) I also sat down and cut/organized all coupons (a blight on shopping if ever there was one! Just reduce prices and stop making us poor CRAZY people cut out, carry around and remember to hand this tiny scrap of paper to the check out lady to get our 55 cents off-PLEASE!!) before I left this morning. I made my menu, my Thanksgiving menu and a small list for Christmas gifts-trying to spread that out a little-so that I knew just what I needed. I actually felt VERY ready for today's trip.
PFFFFFLT, should've known better! Bylers-no problem, Food Lion-fine except for the one coupon that I had to go back and get my money for at the service desk, Target-ouch, how much? but fine, Pet Smart-TROUBLE!!!!! Yes, Pet Smart was my downfall for today. I only needed dog food (poor Holly didn't even get breakfast this morning-we were OUT). What could be so bad? A computer glitch.
As you can imagine, I don't take cash for all of the shopping I need to do. I w
ould be really scared to loose my purse or something. I use my check card-same as cash you know!-to make most of my purchases. Well, at Pet Smart, there was some computer glitch and it would only pay for $19.64 of my $23.99 purchase. Why? I HAVE NO IDEA!!!!! Thank God that I did have a little cash with me, so I was able to pay (yes, Holly did thank me!) and leave. I, of course, am freaking out. Are we out of money already? Did I really spend THAT much? Has someone stolen my identity (and having more fun than me with it, I'm sure!)? Did Gary call the bank and cut me off? What happened?
The good news: Gary, my hero that didn't cut me off, called the bank and there was some computer glitch that locked me out from using my card anymore today. Somehow there was a hiccup in the connection exactly when my transaction was going through which caused me to be declined for the rest of the amount and any other charges for today. Thank God it should reset for tomorrow.
The bad news: I didn't get to finish shopping today. I get to go back to Dover to finish tomorrow, assuming my card works again.
Oh well, I guess you sometimes have days like that! I'll just have to run to Sonic for a Reeses Blast to ease my day tomorrow.