Thursday, January 8, 2009

When did... oldest daughter become a teenager? I swear, she is 10 1/2 going on 14!!! Check out this picture that I took this morning. Her legs are a mile long! Not to mention, she looks way too old for 4th grade! Lord, save me from teenage girls...or maybe I should be worried about teenage boys? I can't stand it! I promise that just yesterday I was changing diapers, feeding her Cheerios on her highchair tray, and watching her take those first steps. All of those moms out there, don't blink. This is what happens when you do!

Oh, and here is a picture of Kaylyn playing the violin last night. I didn't get it in the long entry last night. She was really concentrating!


swoozyQ said...

Ahhhhhh!! 15 was the worst age for me. My poor mom.

Jamie said...

shes so cute~