Friday, January 30, 2009

Steeler's Truck

I am a Raven's fan. I am not a Steelers fan. I am, however, the daughter to one and the mother to another. Most of my extended family on my Dad's side, and most of Gary's extended family are Steeler's fans, too. It is because I love all of them so much, I took and post these pictures. You do have to wonder several things in reference to the pictures...
  1. Would you EVER do this to your vehicle? (Ok, I know my Dad wouldn't no matter how big of a fan he is. We didn't even have the Honor Roll bumper stickers on our car! And, I still have a heart attack if my kids lean against some one's don't want to scratch the paint, you know!)
  2. Just how much does it COST to have this done to your truck?
  3. WHY would you do this to your truck?
  4. What do you do if, by some crazy chance, the Steeler's loose?
  5. Just how funny did I look driving around this truck in the Target parking lot, taking pictures?
  6. No, I didn't get arrested for circling this truck, just several strange looks!
  7. Do you have a camera in your purse for times just like these? My hubby made sure that I do with the best Christmas gift EVER!!!! My Cannon Elph goes everywhere with me...and aren't you glad?
  8. Last, but not least, aren't you glad your not married to the crazy person that owns this truck?
Happy Super Bowl! May the best team win...and for this guys sake, it better be the Steelers!


Jamie said...

yeah, my bro's a steelers fan too!

Angie said...

I really think the steelers stink!!! I am a huge Colts fan, but we had a tough year. :( That is one UGLY truck. It would, however, have looked really good in blue with horseshoes on it. LOL Good thing the owner did not see you, He might have thought you were going to steal it!! I would have egged it. JK (maybe)