My poor Claire is throwing up again. She is so sad. She wants to go to school and see her teacher. She is SAD.
She looks so cute even when she's sick. There is just a little ginger ale in that cup! Bless her heart, she tries to stay upbeat while sick. Right now she is watching Playhouse Disney-not too bad since she loves it, but misses it when she is at school. I see a nap in our near future! She told me she doesn't want to snuggle with me (one of her favorite things on Earth) because she didn't want to get me sick. I told her I already had it so we would be fine. Could you imagine a sweeter kid?
Forget the last post. I would be HAPPY to see all of the children go to school. That would mean that all of them were healthy. I can't believe the sickness that is plaguing us!

Forget the last post. I would be HAPPY to see all of the children go to school. That would mean that all of them were healthy. I can't believe the sickness that is plaguing us!
Awwww poor Claire!
Well, I would NEVER shoot you...(but if it were a Nerf gun, maybe)
I do hope you have a nice day together though. Anne of Green Gables is a great movie to watch when you're sick. Do you have those?
We don't, but I read it when I was younger. We do have Little House on the Prarie.
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