Ok, it's been really hard, but I didn't tell you that Gary and Nathan have been away since Tuesday. (I have been told that it is not smart to "broadcast" things like Gary being away or me going to Dover so that "everyone" that reads this won't know when the house is empty-or at least manless. In an effort to be safe, I have waited until they are coming home to let you in on what is really going on in our life!) Nate's school took the 6th graders on an outdoor field trip for the week. Gary was able to go as a chaperone (probably the only way Nathan was going to get to go)! I have had brief contact, but it seems that they are having a good time. I hope that they have had a bonding time, you know an almost teen aged boy needs that with is dad.
Anyway, they are on their way home! Yay! I missed them. I do have to say, my house is A LOT quieter without the leader, Nathan, leading the others down the noisy path of crazy at home! And, Daddy isn't home to "direct" (usually with a loud, firm, no nonsense tone) the others from that noisy path to crazy. So, that being said, it has been fun to watch the other kids create their own fun. Here are some pictures of just what happens when left to their own devices:

Pillow jumping forward...

Pillow jumping backwards...
Playing doggie soccer...and just general playing.
It was a fun week, and we were fine, but we are really ready to have Daddy and Nathan home. (Poor Claire has cried every night for either Daddy or Nathan or both. She doesn't like being without her men!)
your kids are so cute!
I agree! Don't tell too much info.
Did the guys have a good time of bonding?
Claire is so sweet :)
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