Tuesday, January 6, 2009

I Hesitate to Say...

...Everyone went to school today. After throwing up yesterday morning, Claire had a restful day. She was fine by dinner, so she happily went to school today. It seems to be just a 24 hour bug, THANK GOD! I am running out to Dover to get all of the things we are out of...things like shampoo, tissues, new toothbrushes, scope, etc. (Mom picked us up toilet paper, water bottles and bread yesterday. We were out of all that too!) You just can't imagine how much we've gone through in the last 3 weeks! Have a happy day!


Jamie said...

I'm glad everyone is feeling better!

Misty V said...

So happy to hear everyone is better! Maybe tomorrow you can get some rest from the holidays! I picture your van piled high with necessities from Dover all the time! i truly can imagine how much a family of seven (with 3 growing boys) goes through. WOW! LOL!