Saturday, April 25, 2009

Saturday Soccer

It was HOT today. Really, really HOT! I'm not sure what happened to spring, but we went from cold to hot here! It was over 90 degrees today and our soccer games were at noon and 12:45. Needless to say, the boys were overheated and exhausted. Sadly, we had two losses, but our boys did really well.

I can't believe just how much real estate Nathan can cover playing center midfielder. His throw in is a true weapon for his team and he had to throw in more in this game than ever before. The other coach was so impressed that he pulled Nate over after the game to complement him. That was really nice!

Collin and Danny, as usual, were tough on defence. We aren't really sure what the coach is doing, but he wants them to play really far forward. It's a little hard to understand the new way of playing, but the boys are really doing a great job getting back when they need to. I love to watch them play together. It's awesome to see them cover for one another. It's so natural for them to watch one another and help when needed. It's almost not fair...almost!

Even though they lost, it was a lot of fun to watch. I am so glad that they enjoy playing because I really enjoy watching!

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