Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year and a Prayer Request

Happy New Year to all of those of you that check in on our little world. We have had a great year in 2008-Just so much to be thankful for. I hope that you can say the same.

Just one little nagging sadness tonight. My Papa is not doing well. My mom had to take him to the hospital two afternoons ago by ambulance. He came home that night, but he is slipping away a little more each day. I doubt that he will celebrate another Christmas, although to be honest, we have thought that the last several years. I am asking for prayers on his behalf to either get back to a better place health wise or for him to pass peacefully into heaven. We (the whole extended family) are ready for either. Thanks so much. We really appreciate your thoughts and prayers.

Again, have a safe, happy night. I'll "see" you next year!

Kaylyn's Breakfast Creation

Kaylyn is my budding chef. For Christmas, Kaylyn received Paula Deen's kid's cookbook. I LOVE Paula Deen, I want to be Paula Deen when I grow up! She was looking through it this morning and decided that she wanted to make breakfast for us. We managed to find a recipe for which I had all of the ingredients. It, shocker, was Cinnamon Rolls. Here they are:

Well, actually, here is the last one. They disappeared so quickly that I only got a picture of the last one. If you look really closely, you will see that in true Paula Deen fashion, there is a marshmallow inside. The verdict from the family?

"MMMMMMMM, these are great! You should've made more!" That was Danny.

"Oh, these are good! Wow, can I have another?" Nathan.

I was thankful that I got to taste one. It was good, but a little sweet, even for me. I can guess that Kaylyn will make these again and again. I can also guess that they will disappear just as quickly! I guess that I'll have to keep marshmallows on hand!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Last Stop!

We made the last stop on our Christmas Marathon for 2008. We finally made it to York to visit Pap and Nana Pat. (If you missed it, we had to postpone earlier in the month due to illness.) The kids were thrilled to finally make the trip. Unfortunately, we had to go without Gary since he was scheduled to work from home that day.

As always, we were spoiled by Pap and Nana Pat. They had great food and wonderful gifts for us. The girls got great clothes, books and other exciting "girly things". Collin and Danny got, of course, some more Legos, Nerf guns and bullets (I think we can now have a full fledged WW III at our house should you decide that you need to participate!) and some cool books. Nathan, being the cool almost teen, got some video games for the PS2, books, and clothes. I have to admit, I am thrilled that all of the kids love to read and are excited to get new books. I know that some kids don't, but my kids LOVE books! As for Gary and I, we got a new flat screen computer monitor! I am using it now, and it is GREAT! What a difference a large, clear screen makes! Who knew?!? I can't imagine what it would be like to have a large screen tv this clear, but that's for another day. We also, as a family, received some great gift certificates for movies, dinner, Lowes, Target, and several other places. Like I said, we are totally spoiled!

Oh, and a few comments about this picture of Nathan and Nana Pat. One, Nate's around the food again! Two, thank God there is a haircut scheduled for Saturday! Three, Oh my, Nathan is a lot taller than Nana! He doesn't even have shoes on!

As much fun as Christmas is, I am really glad to be done with it. Between illness and all of the family stops, almost stops and rescheduled stops, it seems like Christmas was the whole month of December this year. And, my house looks like Santa's Workshop threw up (maybe it got the stomach flu from us this year?) all over the place! I will be ready to put the decorations away in a few days and get back to the normal routine. I think we have been across the bridge more in the last 3 weeks than we have the last 3 months! I'm not complaining, I have loved seeing everyone, but all good fun must come to an end, and I'm at that end!

I would like to take a moment and refocus the kids on the true meaning of Christmas. Why we got so many great gifts and just how blessed we are as a family. So, that being said, I think that we will each take a bag and find some old, gently used things that we can donate before all of the new stuff finds homes in the kids' rooms. It's a great thought...we'll see just what gets done!

Sunday, December 28, 2008

We did it!

We made it to a family function without anyone being or getting sick! Yay! We had a nice time visiting with my brother and his family. The boys are way excited over their gifts of 3 different seasons of MacGyver. Kaylyn got a season of Little House and Claire got Horton Hears a Who. We are watching that now. It was fun to see TR's baby, and of course, I got to put him asleep! The family joke is it's my "magic boobs"-all babies love to snuggle and go right to sleep. (They have to be good for something!) I, of course, loved every moment. Thanks, TR and Jen, for the visit. By the way, have you ever seen kids that like babies as much as mine do? They fight over who gets to hold the baby! Poor Gabriel gets a little overwhelmed sometimes-who can blame him?

Another Family Christmas?

We are off to visit with my brother and his family today. Everyone seems healthy, but you never know! Wish us luck! Gary is a little leery of getting back into the car for another hour and a half trip, but the kids and I really want to go. He just fears that someone might be fine now, but won't be an hour from now. Can't blame him, that is what happened the other day. Anyway, we're going to give it a go. I'll update later!

Friday, December 26, 2008

Workinger Family Christmas-Almost

This year, we were really looking forward to going to Gary's sister, Sue's house the day after Christmas. Usually we don't get together for Christmas until sometime in February! Gary's parents are usually in Altoona at this time of year with their extended family and with everyone's schedule, it takes that long to get together. Anyway, Sue decided to have us over to celebrate the day after Christmas this year. And Gary's parents decided that they would be there. Yay, we would have a Workinger/Schaefer Family Christmas in December for the first time since I married Gary!

We had a lazy morning, I wrapped the gifts (ok, so I wasn't totally ready for the extended family Christmas), and we loaded up for the hour and a half ride to Aunt Sue's. Everyone was in a great mood, the weather was nice and warm, we had some Adventures in Odyssey to listen to, what could go wrong? Even the traffic was moving along without any problems.

There were no problems until about 14 minutes from Aunt Sue's house...

Those dreaded words from Claire...

"Momma, my tummy really, really hurts!"

Oh no, please, quick, where is the throw up bucket? GIVE IT TO CLAIRE, NOW!!! We travel with several of these in the van at all times because my kids have been known to get carsick. She was fine all morning! Surely she'll be fine for the last 15 minutes!

"Momma, it hurts a lot now...Oh, oh, bleck!!!!"

You guessed it. Ten minutes from Aunt Sue's house, Claire tosses her cookies. God bless her, she caught my stomach flu. I would guess that would be because Claire is always touching me, all of the time, no matter what. If I am sitting down, you can bet she is either on my lap or smack up against my side. She never had a chance-she sat on my lap the whole Christmas Eve service. She even likes to get in bed with me and snuggle and did so during my nap on Christmas day. The poor kid caught my flu because she just loves me so much she can't stay away from me! (Gary on the other hand, didn't get it. Hmmmmmm...what does that tell you?)

We had the shortest visit on record. Since we were so close, we continued on to drop off gifts and see Andrew's (our cousin) inflatables in the yard. He loves those things! Aunt Sue has 2 in the front yard, 3 in the back and one in the basement (that we didn't see). We didn't enter Aunt Sue's house, we didn't touch Andrew or Aunt Sue for a hug, we didn't even want to breath the outside air near their home. You can imagine just how disappointed the kids were. After all, it was just last weekend we had to cancel Family Christmas with Pap and Nanna Pat. It was a very long drive home.

Sorry Aunt Sue, Uncle Jer, Andrew, Grandmom and Pappy. I hope you had fun without us. Can we try it again next year?

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Grandpa's Love

Grandpa Dud is Grammy's husband. He loves my kids more than you can imagine. He didn't have to, you see, they're not biologically related to him. I don't think that ever occurs to him, though. He just loves us because we are his-he chose to when he married Grammy 17 years ago. That's a very special, different, precious kind of love than most people ever receive. My kids know no difference. I, however, do.

Grandpa Dud is a man of few words, but shows the kids (and all of us, really), through actions, just how much they mean to him each and everyday. The kids think and expect that Dud can fix anything! This Christmas, he made the boys a very special gift, one that they will remind them of Grandpa Dud every time they look at it or use it.
It is a fully stocked, totally handmade, kid-sized workbench! The tools are amazing-they're real tools, no kiddie tools for them! Everything the kids could want or need for their woodworking needs is right there on that bench! It even has a light! You can't imagine the amount of time and money that went into this labor of love! Grandpa Dud found the blueprints for this bench in his Handy Man magazine. As soon as he saw it, he decided he had to make it for the kids. In true Grandpa Dud fashion, the next day, he was at Lowes getting the wood needed. In 2 days, Dud had made the workbench and the paint was drying. It took several more trips to Lowes to fully stock that wonderful bench!

I'm not sure who was more excited, Dud giving it or the kids receiving it! Here are the boys once they saw the bench. Can't you just feel their excitement! It's off the charts! Grandpa Dud showed the kids each and every tool on the bench, and you better believe, before the bench comes home to our house, he'll show them how to use them. Not with a lot of fancy words, but with a strong loving hand and a watchful eye. He's great at allowing the kids to "do their own project" and offer encouragement when asked. He gives them the gift of making mistakes and then helps them correct those mistakes. He gives them total control of their own creativity while working in his shop. There is no judgement from Grandpa Dud, but rather amazement at what the kids can do. He doesn't micromanage like some Mommas I know. It's amazing to watch him with the kids and even more amazing to see what creative things they make under his watchful eye.

This is more than just a Christmas gift. This Christmas gift is the physical picture of a Grandpa's love for 5 very blessed children. A gift that they will treasure for ever and always as their link to Grandpa Dud.

Christmas Day

Thank God I was feeling a little better Christmas morning. I was up BEFORE the children so that I could make the brunch I couldn't make the night before. Actually, since there was such a mess Christmas Eve, the kids were up too late and slept in longer than expected. As usual, once everyone was up, we called Grammy and Grandpa Dud to come over and open gifts. While we waited on them, the kids found Santa's snow and note. There was great excitement from all the kids except Nathan over the still cold (really, the power of suggestion is amazing!) "snow" by the fireplace. Nate didn't buy it! (Well, at almost 12, would you?) We also took the opportunity to get the missed p.j. picture.

Not too bad for "the morning after". I am so thankful that all of the kids have very short memories and didn't hold my explosion against me come morning. They all wanted to know if I felt better...and did I get all of the gifts wrapped? They are really too wonderful for this very flawed Momma!

We had a ton of fun unwrapping gifts. I got to unwrap mine first because Gary bought me a new camera. I had asked for a smaller, lighter camera to keep in my purse for all of those "blog moments" when we are out and about. He, being the wonderful, attentive husband he is, heard and responded to my repeated request! I am now a proud owner of a Cannon Elph (in blue). He was so excited to get it for me, and the kids were even more excited to see me receive my special gift! They keep talking about Momma's new cool camera! They, as always, humble me with their love.

For me, the most special moments, were watching the kids give each other the gifts they had bought.

Nathan, in particular, was proud of himself with the gifts he had purchased. See, last year, he didn't have much to give. He didn't think about needing to give his brothers and sisters gifts until Christmas morning. This year, the middle school had a special day that the kids could redeem their Thunderbucks (little dollars that they get for good behavior, doing homework, etc.) for Christmas gifts. It is an silent auction format and Nathan had put down all 200 of his bucks for a train set for Collin and Danny. He won and was SUPER excited to get it for the boys. He then traded for some doll clothes to give Claire and was given a NASCAR bag for Dud. (Some of the kids won things they didn't really want or were willing to give away. Nate lobbied hard for the things he wanted.) He then worked around the house for money to buy gifts for Kaylyn and Grammy. I was really proud of him for thinking ahead (something that is tough when your hormones have run off with your brain) and wanting to get things for others. His sweet heart is really still alive and well!

As mentioned in a previous post, Kaylyn and Claire went shopping with me. Collin and Danny had gone out with Grammy. Collin also had Grandpa Dud cut out guns from plywood to give the boys. (Dud called really apologetic later since guns are usually frowned upon by me, but who could be mad when Collin was so excited?) All of the kids were just busting at the seams to see the others open their gifts. I could've stopped Christmas right there and been totally content. But, of course, we didn't. There were so many more gifts to open!

We finished opening gifts, ate brunch and then settled in for a wonderful day playing with our new toys. Once I had cleaned up, I even got to lay down because I was so wiped out from not feeling well the night before.

Later that afternoon, we went over to Grammy's house for another round of gifts and delicious food. The kids, as usual, beat me out the door and over to Grammy's. I walked in and Nate came running over. He said, "Momma, we are really spoiled! Look at all of these gifts! Can you believe we get MORE!!! We are so SPOILED!" So, we spoiled people, opened gifts, ate a wonderful turkey dinner until we couldn't eat anymore, and read the Christmas story. We even sang Happy Birthday to Jesus and ate birthday cake. I just can't imagine a more wonderful Christmas, can you?

Letter to Santa

Somehow in the chaos known as Christmas Eve this year (see previous post, even if it is way long) my children remembered to leave a note, cookies and milk for Santa. It was so funny. After finding the kids' Christmas Eve gift boxes, not getting the Norman Rockwell picture I wanted, running to the bathroom to not quite throw up, and tears all around from the children, I found the note. I made me smile and even chuckle a little.Now, what you can't read from the picture is what is written in the For Santa note. Once open on the top, it said:

Dear Santa,

Nathan has bin bad this year. I hope you like the milk and cookies.

I'm not sure which kid wrote this, but I suspect Collin or Danny did. It was too funny! Then at the bottom of the letter, written by Claire was:

Dear Santa,

Claire has bin a good gral this year!

Best gral in the wrld,


P.S. You shod nat give Nathan eneny presits becaus Nathan dus not bleve in you!

Poor Nate, he had been sold out by those closest to him!

By the way, Santa did leave Nathan presents. He also left some special North Pole snow around the fireplace and tree. Did you know that North Pole snow doesn't melt? It has to be vacuumed. The kids were blown away at the evidence of Santa and Santa's generosity. It was way fun! They are amazing kids, even when their momma isn't!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Eve

Remember those posts about being so ahead and wondering just what you do on Christmas Eve when you have everything done. Please disregard! Between the illnesses and business of the season, I'm behind again. And yes, your Christmas cards will once again be New Year's cards dressed up in their Christmas clothes. Oh well, I tried!

Gary, thankfully, was released early from work. He came home and the girls and I ran out to get just a "few" last minute gifts. Of course, this required a trip to Dover and we did the WORST possible thing. We went...(DUN, DUN, DUH)...into Wal-Mart...on Christmas Dover, 2:30 in the afternoon...without a cart (we couldn't find one!)...for "just a few things".


I HATE Wal-Mart on a good day, but on Christmas Eve? Oh my, it's hell on Earth. I won't go into the whole story, but I will say that no one should hold up a line for 32 minutes while waving 4 maxed out credit cards trying to pay their $21.44 worth of generic canned soda and chips! I don't care if you are a card carrying member of the Redneck club...or even the president! And by the way, why is it that these inconsiderate, maxed out card, canned soda and chip eating, Rednecks can't seem to find clothing that covers all of their flabby bellies? And, why is it that it seems that they can't find a shower either? I'm just saying, if you have 4 maxed out credit cards, and a shirt that hasn't met your pants in 8 years, maybe you don't need all of that soda (none diet by the way) and chips! Do you really need more grease and sugar in your diet? Just a honest question!

Ok, once we left the hell known as Wal-Mart, we headed to the-God save the queen-mall. Thankfully, the mall was really tame and fast! No problems to be had here! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

We rushed home to get ready for Christmas Eve service. Now, I know that we have lived here for a year now, but I still can't seem to factor in travel times accurately. I try, I really do, but I am always about 5-15 minutes behind. (No, this isn't new since we moved, I have always been late, but what is new is that I'm really trying to get it together and NOT be late.) Needless to say, we were running late coming home from Dover. At this point, I realized that the upset tummy I started in line at Wal-Mart, a reaction to the effort of holding my tongue I thought, was getting worse, not better. Great, just great!

We get home, the girls do a great job changing and jumping back into the car, and we're off to church. We are about 8 minutes late, but I know that Gary can make some of that time up on the drive. Unless I need to stop to throw up that is. Thankfully I didn't, but I did run to the bathroom once we made it to church. Now, this church that we've been attending has a warm sanctuary...very warm according to Gary. I have to say, it's NOTHING compared to the Ladies room. That room is a sauna! Here I am, late to the Christmas Eve service, at a church we have been attending for just about 2 months, in the ladies room unsure if I'm going to toss my cookies or pass out! Just who's going to find me here in this sauna of a bathroom? I quickly leave to go back to sit in a pew with my family, praying I make it through the service. Great, just great!

I did make it through, make it home and realize that the traditional gift on Christmas Eve, the kid's Christmas p.j.s haven't been wrapped because they hadn't been delivered when I had my marathon wrapping day. I have to run upstairs and put them in boxes (I had some boxes printed with cute Christmas things, thank God) and then give them out to the kids. Ok, I should be able to do that, but oh my, I really don't feel well! Surely they will open their boxes, change into the p.j.s, let me get the picture and then go sweetly to bed, right? Of course not! Please notice that this is a picture of the children opening the gifts, but there is no additional picture of them so adorably dressed in their p.j.s. That would be because as I line them up in front of the fireplace (where else would you take such a wonderful picture), Danny hides behind Kaylyn. I lost my temper, scream,

"Would you please stand up straight so I can get this picture! I am going to vomit in about 4 minutes and I need this picture first!"

Of course, Gary is upset that I'm sick and yelling, so he yells at the kids and then we have a crying Danny. I, in my most wonderful momma voice yell,

"Danny, stop crying and smile before I throw up!".

I didn't get the picture. I did get a group of 5 upset and worried children. I now, at 9:30 at night have to run to the bathroom, can't throw up, can't leave the bathroom, but know that I have 5 kids that have had a ruined Christmas Eve. Great, just great!

I finally leave the bathroom, bin in hand just in case, and go to visit the kids to try to pick up the pieces. Of course, Danny believes that no one loves him-no one ever loves him, Collin is angry that Danny's upset, Claire and Kaylyn are sad that I'm sick and who's going to make Christmas happen if Momma's sick and by the way, will I get those gifts wrapped that we bought today, and Nathan wants to know if I'll get the 2 gifts he needs wrapped, wrapped. Gary wants me to just go to bed. I have THINGS TO DO!!!!! I CAN NOT be throwing up right now. Christmas is tomorrow! Family will be here wanting happy Christmas memories and brunch (that still needs to be made) in the morning! Great, just great!

Well, I'll end this marathon post by saying, the children finally settled, I did get everything wrapped with Gary's help, except Gary's gifts because he told me not to. I never did throw up, although I wish I had. I got to sleep with the alarm set for early so that I could get up and make breakfast. I am sure glad that I had everything under control this year!

Believe me, I'll NEVER ask what I'll do on Christmas Eve again!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Early Gift

Today the kids got a wonderful early gift. Grandmom and Pappy came over early and gave the kids a very special gift. It's "AWESOME" according to the kids. Can you guess?

Here's a clue:

Oh yeah, it's an air hockey, ping pong, and pool table! It's so cool! The kids just love it! Actually, Daddy, Pappy, Grandmom, and Momma love it too. You can't imagine the excitement that the kids have for this new addition to our home. I have lost the kids to the basement. (And, no, I'm not crying over it!)

Here are some action shots:Everyone is in awe of the awesome-ness of the table. Notice Nathan watching with such superiority. He is so sure that he can do better than those girls. He can, but Claire has been known to beat him upon occasion!

The victory shout! Nate is really great at playing to the level of his competition. I'm so glad because he could really whip all of us, except maybe Daddy.

Don't you love the intensity? This is true competition here at the nest!

The action is nonstop! Even Pappy got into the spirit! You gotta love it when even the Pappy is playing the game. He is the BEST!Thanks Gradmom and Pappy. You really started the gift giving season off with a huge BANG!

Christmas Card Update

Well, the sickness kinda put my Christmas cards on the back burner. I will admit to having them here in the house for quite a few days. However, with everyone getting sick and getting married, well, I haven't sent them out.

I told you that there was a lot that could go wrong with my whole Christmas card sending thing!

In the spirit of full disclosure, I have looked at them, talked to them and even thought about needing to send them. Tonight I came one step closer. I made labels to put on the back (I stole the idea from my wonderful, really smart friend, Misty) with our blog address on it. I also created a mail merge file with all of the addresses and merged them! I have even printed the labels. Now, all I need to do is put the labels on (I am sure that I can find some volunteers for that job!), buy and stick stamps and MAIL! Surely I should be able to get that done in the next day or so.

Thanks for keeping me accountable. I have been known to hand make cards (it takes hours to make special cards!), get pictures printed (Hello, money involved here!) and yet never send them out. If I know that someone is waiting for it, I'll just have to make sure that I send the cards.

By the way, who decided that cards were something that we needed to do during what is absolutely the most busy time of the year? As if there isn't enough pressure on us women (I don't know any men that send out cards!) to create the "perfect holiday" during Christmas. No wonder so many people commit suicide during the holidays...they can't stand the pressure of getting cards out on time! Why can't we, as a society, send out Fourth of July cards? There isn't a whole lot going on in July. Or better yet, why don't we choose a random day in May and call it, "Special Card Sending" day or "Catching Up with Cards" day. What do you think? Can we change the card sending rules one person at a time?

Monday, December 22, 2008

Very Busy Day

If you know me, you know that I have a very close family. I have just one brother, and he is 8 years younger than I am. Despite the age difference, I have always been close to him...Actually, I have been told that we are a weird family because we are so close. I am very proud of the man and Daddy he has become. Well, today, he took another life changing step.

My "first baby", my brother got married today. I can't believe it. He's so excited. His wife looked just beautiful. It was a very small ceremony, just family, followed by an Italian lunch. Here is the happy family:

Aren't they cute?

After this happy celebration, I had to make 2 Christmas stops and then rush home for...

My Papa's 89th birthday celebration.

Papa has been such a blessing to our family in so many ways. He has always had a very soft spot for me. As a matter of fact, it has been wonderful security for me to know that I am his "sunshine". He is in poor health, and it is so hard to watch him slip away just a little bit one day at a time. However, I know that when I visit (and now my girls, too-He has a thing for girls) it always brightens his day. Since he lives just next door, we are able to see him on a daily basis.

Happy birthday, my Papa. I love you more than you can know.

This is a ton of celebration just before Christmas. Thank goodness I was a little early with Christmas preparations this year. Yeah, not so much anymore! Between celebrations and sickness, well, I'm just about where I usually am. Rushing to be sure that everything is done just in time for the big day. Oh well, I wouldn't know what to do with extra time anyway!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Trying to Salvage the Day

Although our day isn't what we hoped and planned it to be, we are trying to make the best of it. Thankfully, I had a dvd purchased for each kid for Christmas. Thankfully, I had them wrapped! I gave each kid their dvd to open today. They were thrilled!

In a perfect world, I would NEVER allow the children to watch 5 movies in one day. However, we are living in a fallen, stuffy head, cough, sore throat, achy body kind of world. Because of that, we watched 2 movies earlier in the day, took a nap, and are up watching the other 3 now.

While we didn't get the wonderful sit down dinner that was to be prepared for Family Christmas, I DID have frozen pizza, popcorn and cookies for the perfect, unhealthy, sick day!

Maybe there is hope that I won't be the worst, awfulest, meanest momma for all of eternity. Maybe, just maybe, my kids will remember that I am the momma that, when I had to, made the tough decisions and then tried to make them as much fun as possible? Well, I can always dream...

The Kids HATE Me...

...and I don't blame them. We are sick-the real sick with a cough, sore throat, and body aches. Someone in our family has had it in some form or another for a month now. Kaylyn and Collin have had an antibiotic and it didn't touch it. We have prescription cough medicine that doesn't seem to help. It has gotten worse the last several days-as a matter of fact, we ALL have it now.

Soooooooo, I had to make the decision that no one could go indoor soccer last night, they couldn't go to a Christmas party last night, no one could go to our first soccer scrimmage this morning, and church isn't looking good for tomorrow.

Worse than any of that, I had to decide that we weren't well enough to go to Pap and Nana Pat's for Family Christmas. My kids are really upset. I am really upset. I was even ready for Family Christmas this year (presents wrapped, in a travel box, and food prepared and ready to travel)! This is just a nightmare!

I am a people pleaser (the worst of the worst) and always have been. It KILLS me to have to make the decision to keep everyone home. I totally hate to disappoint anyone, especially my family and this decision disappoints everyone! But, it would kill me even more to go and give this awful creepy crud to the extended family. My little niece and nephews will be there. My dad can't get sick because his liver disease makes that really dangerous. My brother is getting married on Monday, he and his fiance can't be sick! Christmas is just a few days away. I don't want our extended family to be sick for the big day!

Man, it really stinks to try and "do the right thing". Maybe my kids will forgive me by next Family Christmas? Maybe not. I have no doubt that this will be one of those stories in which I am the bad guy for all of eternity. Great. Yay me.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Winter Break

Winter break has STARTED!!!!!! Yay!!!! Not only are the kids excited, but I am too! I am so ready to have my kids home for 2 weeks. Translated, 2 weeks that we don't have to get up quite so early! Translated, I get to sleep in past 6:20! No, I am really glad to have the kids home with me for a while. We have some things planned, but not too much. I'm ready for some good family time!

Meanwhile, we had winter parties at school today. It was a challenge to get everything needed for the parties. Last night, Kaylyn and I made cupcakes (chocolate and butter cream frosted with sprinkles) and Claire and I made chocolate chip cookies (with little white/red chocolate Santa faces). Danny took in juice boxes. Thank God for Danny's class! It was easy! Collin needed donuts, a donation I thought would be EASY. WRONG!! I stopped to pick up Collin's donuts last night on the way home from last minute Christmas shopping, but they were out of holiday sprinkled donuts. Does it occur to me that I don't really need holiday sprinkled donuts? No...I had envisioned holiday sprinkles. Didn't think of anything else! So, I had to run back to Dunkin Donuts before 8:00 this morning to pick up what I ordered last night! At our old house, not a problem, but here, well, that's a 30 minute round trip. A HUGE thank you, Mom, for watching the kids while I ran out!

I also had gifts for all of the elementary classroom teachers. I had one gift previously, and purchased the other 3 yesterday (so much for my wonderful prepared Christmas!). I was pretty pleased until Nathan looks at me and said, "Where's my gifts?". WHAT!?! He's in middle school. Do we have to DO gifts in middle school? Apparently, he wanted gifts for just 2 teachers. Great...Wonderful...No problem...Let me just pull out my emergency teacher gifts.

What? You don't have emergency teacher gifts? Me either!!!!

Thank God I did have 2 extra mugs sitting around and 2 gourmet hot chocolate pouches. My plan was to include some homemade English toffee (something I have made in the past and it has been FABULOUS!) in a small tin. I made the toffee, and it was gritty. Yuck! Threw it out. I made toffee for the second time. Maybe I rushed the last batch...Maybe I need to let the sugar cook a little longer...Maybe I need a son that can communicate his wants a little earlier...Oh wait, that's another topic...Toffee, cooking toffee...The second batch will be great...Nope, the second batch is gritty! GREAT! Now what am I going to include with the mugs?

Now, any sane, reasonable momma would say, I have a ton of cookies in the pantry that I made at Cookie Day last weekend. Use those. Do you think I thought of that? Nope, not until this very moment did that thought enter my mind. Oh, how I wish it had! Give me a break, it was around midnight!

Instead, I go to the basement, search out the chocolate spoon stuff (mold, handles, baggies and twist ties) wash it, melt chocolate, pour into the molds and stare at the chocolate for a few moments. looks so plain. I then search out the holiday sprinkles, because you know that all chocolate spoons need to be fancy! I place the sprinkles one by one in the chocolate (they need to be just so you know!).

I am so crazy! Do other Mommas go through this?

Holy cow! Sometimes it would be so much easier to homeschool!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Christmas Program and Cards

Last night we had the Christmas program at the elementary school. They had several songs by the band and chorus (Just a little note here: Mom, thanks so much for sitting through all of those school programs all those years. Elementary school bands are awful! Really, they can make your ears bleed! Just how many times can you hear "Hot Cross Buns" and "Twinkle Twinkle" played off tune and squeaky before you run screaming from the room?) and then there was a Nutcracker production. Claire was a "tiny dancer" and all three triplets had a small speaking part-they were narrators. They did a great job although I couldn't see Claire dance very well from where I was sitting. It was fun to see all of the kids standing on stage in their Christmas finery. I am thankful that Collin was feeling well enough to go to school yesterday and not cough though the performance last night.

On another note (just not an elementary school band note!), before we went to the program, since all of the kids were in Christmas outfits (I even made Nathan put his on) I took our Christmas pictures. They are so cute! Do you wanna sneak peak? Ok, here they are:

Which do you like better? Which one do you think I used? You'll just have to wait until yours gets there to see!

Late last night I made Christmas cards and sent them off to WalMart for printing. Believe it or not, I just might have Christmas cards out BEFORE Christmas this year! (Usually I need to send out Happy New Year cards dressed up as Christmas cards!) No, no, no, please don't get excited yet. I still have to pick them up, address them, stamp them and then get to the post office with them. A lot can break down between now and then! I have several friends that are KNOWN for getting their cards out just after Thanksgiving! They might pass out to get mine so early this year. You know who you are! Well, gotta run. I have cards to pick up you know!

Monday, December 15, 2008

The Best Plans-Now Smoke!

Mom and I had plans to go shopping today. We were looking forward to it...A LOT. I had the plumber coming and then we were out of here! We were going to do our best to boost the economy they best way we know how! I was going to finish my Christmas shopping (I only have a few more things!)

Pppppfffffffttttt!!! Our plans-up in smoke!

My poor Collin feels LOUSY! His cough is awful and now his throat and chest hurt too. I couldn't, even though I had him up and ready for school, send him to school like that. (Hmmm, I really am a good momma-sometimes!) He looks terrible and feels even worse! He's back in bed. Poor guy. Pray for him.

Weekend in Review

Well, it was a busy weekend here at the "Nest". On Friday, the elementary school had Donuts with Dad, so Gary stayed home to do that. (It isn't worth the trip for him to go to work half day not to mention that he can't find parking.) There was also ANOTHER half day in the county. Gary and I thought that we would travel to Dover to do a little last minute shopping. We did, but we didn't get much time since he did the donut thing and then we had to pick up Nathan at middle school by 12:00. I have to say, 2 1/2 hours shopping isn't much time when you spend 1 hour traveling!
Later that day, I had to run over to the elementary school to clean up the Cookie Walk the PTA did for the teachers. Nathan and Claire "helped" me (that amounted to visiting teachers while I cleaned up!). Then we wandered into Chestertown for a few grocery items I needed.

Saturday, I went to my annual Cookie Day with my dad and family. We spent all day cooking cookies, eating and generally visiting. I brought home a ton of cookies! It was wonderful to hold both my niece and nephew for a while throughout the day. I do so miss having an infant! They smell so good, make the sweetest faces and sounds, and they are soooooooo soft! Hmmmm...I'm only 37...Maybe...Naaaaaah, my kids are all potty trained, sleep through the night (mostly) and can dress themselves. Why go backwards?
Poor Gary was left at home to cart kids around all day. He took Kaylyn, Danny and Collin to indoor soccer practice, carted Kaylyn to and from cooking class AND had to take Collin and Danny to a birthday party and back home again. When I called him on the way home he said, "I didn't get a thing done today!". REALLY, I can't imagine! Actually, he did a great job and I am so thankful for him being able to hold down the fort while I was gone. He's a good guy that way! Thanks, Honey!

Sunday was a little busy too! I hate that because I like to try to keep our Sundays "lite" so that we don't start the week tired. We went to church, then dropped Claire off at a birthday party on the way home. Came home, ate, and then had to go back for Claire. I did manage to "snuggle" (read "nap") with Claire for about an hour or so (we both need that before the week starts!) before we went back to church for the Christmas play they put on. It was lovely. They really worked hard on it and did a great job. We did get home a little later than I like, though.

On the down side, Collin has a terrible cough. He even threw up because he gagged on the cough before bed last night. He has already been to the doctor, been on Z-pack once and has prescription cough meds that are doing NO good. Please pray for him. He feels yucky. He almost never complains though. What a great kid!

Hope you had a great weekend too!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

On Record

I want it on record here on my blog, among those that know and love me, that I have spent the day wrapping gifts. Yes, me, the worst procrastinator on record, has wrapped gifts BEFORE Christmas Eve! I know, you may need smelling salts, oxygen or an EMT, but the unexpected has happened. (I don't even think Hell has frozen over nor have I seen any flying pigs!) I have pictures to prove it! (I know that there are those of you-who should remain nameless, but won't-that wouldn't believe it without proof, Susan, Misty and Tina!)
And yes, there are different wrapping papers for each child. It really helps on Christmas morning for the kids to know what pile belongs to them. I have different paper for extended family as well. Haaaaah, I CAN be organized when I try really, really, really hard! Now, just where do you hide all of these wrapped gifts? And, more important, what do you do on Christmas Eve?

Girls get Haircuts!

Yesterday my beautiful girls got their haircut. I loved my Kaylyn's beautiful long hair, but she wanted to get it cut and send her ponytail to Locks of Love. Hard to argue with, even for long hair loving Daddy. Claire got just a trim, one that was much needed since her Momma whacked her bangs and they were totally uneven! Here we have the BEFORE:
Aren't they beautiful! Kaylyn didn't have quite the 9 inches needed, but we were told to send it anyway. Apparently, Locks of Love often sells hair that they can't use to raise money. Kaylyn is really excited about it.
Let me tell you, I have 2 girls that love to have their hair washed, at least by the shampoo lady!They loved every minute of that wonderful scalp scrub-of course, who doesn't?
Well, here they are AFTER.
Wow, they look so old! When did my baby girls grow up? I'm gonna go cry a little bit before they get home from school. Please girls, stay little just a little longer.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Christmas Tree

Last night we decorated the tree. I say decorated because it was several days ago Nathan and I put up the tree (it's artificial and pre-lit and I refuse to feel less of a woman for it! We have a house full of allergy people, you know!) while the others were at indoor soccer practice. Once the others got home, we wound it with ribbon and then, just because we could, placed little poinsettia flowers on some of the branches. Once the hoodlums went to bed, I placed (not decorated or those hoodlums would've been upset that I decorated without them!) a few glass ornaments high on the tree.

Last night, we unexpectedly had a free night with no activities (whoopee!). I said, "Why don't we decorate the tree?" fully expecting a YAY, you're the best momma EVER response. I was wrong.

I got blank stares all around and then from one of the boys,

"It's already decorated isn't it?"

"Well, no. You haven't put your decorations on the tree. Do you want to do that?"

Kaylyn, "I kinda like it the way it is. Don't you?" Then, thinking my feelings were hurt, "No, let's do it, we'll put them up if you want to."

Great, wonderful family memories again. I'm so thrilled at this point to go down in the basement, fish out the ornaments and "have fun" putting them on the tree. yeah...can't wait...should be a blast...whatever...the mood was broken...

Anyway, at this point, Collin and Danny, sensing that I'm a little discouraged, run downstairs and find the ornament boxes. They bring the boxes up and start passing them out. Each kid has their own box for "their" ornaments that they have been given over the years. They also find my box of special ornaments and give that to me. (Could I have any sweeter boys? They really are awesome!) We did, finally, get into the spirit of things and even put on some Christmas music. The kids get their stuff on the tree and start to come over and get some of mine to give to Daddy to put higher. (My job is to unwrap the ornaments and put the hook on. Gary's is to put them on the tree. It just worked out that way when they were younger and now the kids think it's the way things are done.) We all start to realize that our tree is just not big enough for all of the ornaments we own. This realization was helped along by Gary saying, "Guys, don't bring me anymore, I can't find anymore places to put them." We still had a lot of Momma's decorations that weren't on the tree. Hmmmm...what to do...

My children, being the great problem solvers that they are, decide that next year we need another tree. Then we can have a kid's tree and a Momma's tree. I love it! They come up with such wonderful solutions!

So, after Christmas, when trees are on sale, you can believe that I am on a mission to find a beautiful, wonderful, second tree for us to decorate. I think, since the kids thought of it and all, it's the least that I can do to make Christmas just a little brighter in the Nest!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Funny Conversation Part 2

So sorry to leave you hanging. I was called away by my wonderful, fun loving, patient family. (Stop grinning, they can be all of those things, just not last night at the moment I sat down at the computer...or just sat down if you really want to know!)

Anyway, we were in the car-prime "talk time" since they can't get away from me to do something fun like play Lego's, throw the football or run to the bathroom to escape my questions! I was asking all of the Momma questions, you know, who do you like to play with at school, who do you sit next to at lunch, who's the nicest/meanest person in 4th grade, etc. It's fun to hear the answers, and more than that, I file away (in my mind-I don't really have a true file on the kids in school. Come on!) little stories that they tell me so I know who the kids are for later use. Not to mention, they don't usually give a lot of information away on a daily basis. I just want to know what goes on in their heads. (Be careful what you wish for as you'll read in a minute!) Surely you all do the same line of questioning? Right? If not, don't tell me. I don't want to know if I'm to "intrusive" in their little lives.

ANYWAY, we are having a great dialog, when the subject of "girls" came up. Good grief, I'm not ready for my baby boys to be into girls! Collin has a crush on a girl. She is "hot, sizzling HOT" (thanks for the middle school descriptive words, Nathan!) I am told by Collin. (And, NO, we don't look at girls like objects in our house. That was discussed at a later date. Right now, I just wanted to hear about this little crush and a lecture at this point would kill the conversation.) We'll call our little sizzle "A" for our purposes.
Danny chimes in, teasing, that maybe he likes "A", too.
Collin's response, "I'll kill you. Stay away from MY girl." Wait, WHAT?!? I'll kill you? My girl?!? Whoa, what kind of girl can bring out such emotion from my mostly emotionless boychild, Collin.
Danny then says, "She's going to like me better because I'm 1/2 inch taller and skinnier. You're uglier." (Great, now we have the middle school trash talk! Again, thanks Nathan! Big brothers can't seem to keep their bad habits to themselves!)
Collin's response, "Well, if I'm ugly, you are too. We're twins you know!"
Danny, "Oh yeah, you're right. Let's talk about something else."
We then hear that Danny likes "B". "B" is someone that Collin had a crush on last year. Apparently, "B" had hurt Collin in the past.
His wise words for Danny were, "I told you, she will break your heart. BREAK YOUR HEART, I tell you."
Danny, "She's so pretty. I just think she is so pretty!"
Collin, "She's pretty alright, but she will break your heart! She did mine!"
Danny, "Yeah, you're right. She's pretty on the outside, but UGLY on the inside. I'll have to find someone else-maybe "A"."
"I'll kill you. Stay away from my girl!" Wait, we are back there again!?! I knew that there was always the possibility that the boys might like the same girl, but I never thought that it would come so early or with such dire consequences!

I did go into the obligatory conversation about how we are family and that no one, especially a girl, should ever come between us, yadda, yadda, yadda. I have to be honest, though. It was lost in the following conversation about their "male members". I would love to tell that story, but I can't due to the fact that they may read this in later years. Let's just say that I learned more about my boys than I thought I would on a simple car ride. I think I need to take Collin and Danny out a little more often-I learned so much! I'm not sure why they opened up on this particular car ride. Maybe it was the milkshake...or the popcorn...Hmmm...

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Funny Conversation

I hate to admit it, but it is unusual for me to be alone with Collin and Danny. It just seems that they tend to "travel" with Gary more often then with me. Yesterday, I made the decision to take them to Dover with me to purchase birthday gifts for parties next weekend. It was a HOOT! More later!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

A Few of my Favorite Christmas Things

Here are a few of my favorite things-Christmas style:
  • The wonder and blessings of the Christmas story.
  • Nativity scenes that have a removable Jesus. I don't have one, but my mom does. We would place Jesus in the manger on Christmas morning before my brother woke up. It was if Mary really did have Jesus overnight.
  • My Willow Tree nativity set-No, it doesn't have a removable Jesus, but it makes me really happy. Nathan thinks it's weird that they don't have faces, but I think it's just beautiful.
  • White Christmas lights mixed in with evergreens and pretty ribbon
  • Decorated houses at night, done tastefully
  • Driving around with the kids in the car to see those decorated houses!
  • Christmas cookies-WHY do we make some cookies at Christmas only? I would like them at other times of the year but it seems somehow wrong to me to make snickerdoodles in July! (Although, if they happen to be around in July, I have NO problem eating them.)
  • Anticipation of watching people open just the right gift-You know, the one you searched high and low for, waited for 45 minutes in line to get. That one.
  • Christmas music-Mary did You Know is all time favorite. I can't imagine being Mary! First, a visit from an angel would be amazing enough, but then to find out I was pregnant with God's child, WOW! Then having such a special child, well, I guess I can't wrap my mind around it. I guess I can't imagine being Joseph either. Hmmmm...
  • Hallelujah Chorus sung at church on Christmas Eve-I cry EVERY SINGLE time!
  • Watching the children choose just the right gift for their siblings-then watching them watch their siblings open that gift! Yes, we do open gifts one at a time in our house so that you can see who gets what.
  • Themed Christmas trees
  • Christmas outfits-all matching of course! The ones the kids wear only for the Christmas picture and maybe to Christmas church service.
  • New p.j.s on Christmas Eve-That's the one gift my kids open on Christmas Eve
  • Getting Christmas letters-with pictures-from those you only hear from once a year. Hey, why don't we talk more often?
  • Small wrapped boxes with sparkly things inside!
  • Crawling into bed next to my hubby late Christmas Eve knowing that in just a few hours there will be children bouncing on our bed screaming, "It's Christmas and there are presents under the tree!!!"
  • Loving that the kids want to wait for Grammy and Grandpa Dud to make it over before presents are opened. They sit around and guess what is in the wrapped packages while they wait. They are really amazingly patient!

Ok, some are shallow-I know that, sometimes I am shallow!-but don't you feel like you know me just a little bit better? What about you? What are some of your favorites?

Friday, December 5, 2008

We're at it Again...

Yep, we started the winter sports season! After this fall soccer season, I think-no, I know-I was half dead. I was so ready for a little break. This past month has been great. Fear not, it's not as if the children have been sitting around doing nothing. Nathan has Ecology Corps after school one day, Kaylyn, Danny and Collin have had Jump Rope Club before school one day, and Claire has Nutcracker practices one day a week. Oh, and Kaylyn has had cooking class on Saturday afternoons. Poor kids, they don't get to do anything! Their just bored all of the time! That being said, Nathan started basketball this week and Kaylyn, Danny, Collin and Gary (he's their coach!)started indoor soccer tonight. We haven't been called by Claire's coach yet. Yay, I'm thrilled. Actually, I don't mind. I just want to have a little balance. Of course, I can't even compare to my girlfriend Misty. She runs with her 4 kids all of the time! They are in more activities than I can think about! She makes me feel like a slacker in a big way. Love you Misty, but can't imagine living your schedule! Soooooo...I will pray for balance for our family between sports and family time. You can pray for us too, if you want. We could use it! Have a super weekend!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Can you Believe...

Please note the size of the sword in this picture-and yes, that is a real dime next to it. One cannot imagine the size of the fight that teeny, tiny sword caused in our home last night. This sword belonged to Danny. Collin noticed it in our pencil jar several weeks ago. He kept an eye on it and, after several weeks, got it out and started to play with it. Enter the rightful owner of the sword, Danny. He hadn't missed his tiny sword for weeks, WEEKS I tell you! Of course, upon seeing his brother happily playing, Danny wanted-no needed-no HAD TO HAVE his sword THIS VERY MINUTE!!!!! Collin, understandably, didn't want to give the sword up. Now, in a perfect world, the world of denial that I would like to live in, the confrontation would go something like this:
Danny: "Hey, that's my sword."
Collin: "Oh, it is? Do you mind if I play with it for a while. I found it in the pencil jar."
Danny: "Of course not, my wonderful brother. You may play with it as long as you like. When you are finished, please return it to me. I would like to play with it when you are finished."
Collin: "Thank you. Of course I will give it back to you in a timely manner."
Instead of this wonderful demonstration of brotherly love, WW3 broke out! The confrontation was more like this:
Danny: "Hey, that's my sword!!"
Collin: "No it's not. It's mine. I found it in the pencil jar!"
Danny: "It's MINE!!! I didn't know where it was!"
Collin: "It was in the pencil jar. I found it and it's mine!"
Danny: "Give it to ME, IT'S MINE!!!!
Followed by punches, rolling around on the floor and tears, many, many tears, from both boys. Please, PLEASE, PLEASE tell me, was that teeny, tiny sword worth it? Not to me.
By the way, the sword is Daddy's now.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

A Great Shine to the East

Most of you woke up this morning and saw a wonderful, beautiful, warm shine in the eastern sky. You thought that it was the morning sun. I am here to tell you that, nope, it's not the sun. It's not the star that the wise men followed either. It's me. Yep. Me.

Why, you ask. (You are still out there, right? I do still have people reading this thing, right?) Why could I possibly be shining so brightly? Two words:


I got my Christmas dishes out to use now through January. They are Pfaltzgraff Hollyberry so I can use them for all winter-not just Christmas.

And, last year I bought some red dishes to match my Hollyberry. (They were on sale, alright!)For those of you that don't know, I am now within 25 minutes of a Pfaltzgraff and Lenox outlet. This is a wonderful, fabulous, dangerous, horrible thing for a dish-a-holic like me! The red dishes are just perfect to use when I am feeling a little less "holleyberryish"!

I am one happy woman!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Mt. Never Rest-Again!!

Today was another exhausting climb on Mt. Never Rest! With Thanksgiving cooking and cleaning last week, Mt. Never Rest erupted into epic proportions.
Here it is before:

There is so much that this red load didn't even get a sorter. It had a place on the floor until it's turn in the ever faithful washer!

Here it is all pretty, clean, folded and put on hangers...all 9 loads! (I didn't get to the sheets and towels. That's for another day.) They are just waiting for their wonderful owners to come and put them away in the proper places. So help me if I go into their rooms and find all that pretty, clean, folded and hangered laundry all over the floor, I WILL kill someone! That's just the kind of loving, understanding momma I am. There isn't a jury of mommas that would ever convict me!

Once the kids were ready for bed, I happened to notice the hampers. What do you think I found? Betcha can't guess, unless you happen to have your own promiscuous Mt. Never Rest at your house.
...a baby Mt. Never Rest. I TOLD you it reproduces in the hampers!!! Such goings on in my house!