Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Christmas Program and Cards

Last night we had the Christmas program at the elementary school. They had several songs by the band and chorus (Just a little note here: Mom, thanks so much for sitting through all of those school programs all those years. Elementary school bands are awful! Really, they can make your ears bleed! Just how many times can you hear "Hot Cross Buns" and "Twinkle Twinkle" played off tune and squeaky before you run screaming from the room?) and then there was a Nutcracker production. Claire was a "tiny dancer" and all three triplets had a small speaking part-they were narrators. They did a great job although I couldn't see Claire dance very well from where I was sitting. It was fun to see all of the kids standing on stage in their Christmas finery. I am thankful that Collin was feeling well enough to go to school yesterday and not cough though the performance last night.

On another note (just not an elementary school band note!), before we went to the program, since all of the kids were in Christmas outfits (I even made Nathan put his on) I took our Christmas pictures. They are so cute! Do you wanna sneak peak? Ok, here they are:

Which do you like better? Which one do you think I used? You'll just have to wait until yours gets there to see!

Late last night I made Christmas cards and sent them off to WalMart for printing. Believe it or not, I just might have Christmas cards out BEFORE Christmas this year! (Usually I need to send out Happy New Year cards dressed up as Christmas cards!) No, no, no, please don't get excited yet. I still have to pick them up, address them, stamp them and then get to the post office with them. A lot can break down between now and then! I have several friends that are KNOWN for getting their cards out just after Thanksgiving! They might pass out to get mine so early this year. You know who you are! Well, gotta run. I have cards to pick up you know!

1 comment:

swoozyQ said...

Did Nathan pull Claire's bow?? I see it in his hand...dun dun dunnn.
the first pic is good. Claire and Nathan both have the same smile.
The second pic would be good too cuz you can see Claire's missing tooth and the puppy. So which one did you pick? :)
Glad I'm not the only one who's bad at Christmas cards! I have them but keep putting them off. Not my favorite thing to do :(