Thursday, December 11, 2008

Girls get Haircuts!

Yesterday my beautiful girls got their haircut. I loved my Kaylyn's beautiful long hair, but she wanted to get it cut and send her ponytail to Locks of Love. Hard to argue with, even for long hair loving Daddy. Claire got just a trim, one that was much needed since her Momma whacked her bangs and they were totally uneven! Here we have the BEFORE:
Aren't they beautiful! Kaylyn didn't have quite the 9 inches needed, but we were told to send it anyway. Apparently, Locks of Love often sells hair that they can't use to raise money. Kaylyn is really excited about it.
Let me tell you, I have 2 girls that love to have their hair washed, at least by the shampoo lady!They loved every minute of that wonderful scalp scrub-of course, who doesn't?
Well, here they are AFTER.
Wow, they look so old! When did my baby girls grow up? I'm gonna go cry a little bit before they get home from school. Please girls, stay little just a little longer.

1 comment:

swoozyQ said...

They are so pretty! I love the new cuts:)