Saturday, October 3, 2009

We're Crazy

We were thrilled to have a weekend with no soccer games. It's Homecoming at the local high school, so they cancel most rec. activities. Nathan was supposed to have a game at the local private school, but it was cancelled due to the other team not having enough kids. Yay right? We don't have to rush to any games and no stress of making sure everyone is ready to play. Nahhhh, not in our house. We went to a friend's J.V. soccer game at the next county over last night and then got up and rushed to the game that the girl's team was playing! So much for our lazy Saturday morning! In my defense, Nathan's coach coaches both the girls and boys team in Nathan's age group. I watch the girls practice almost as much as I watch Nathan. I felt like we should support them! Soooooo, on our lazy, no soccer weekend, we attended other people's kids games. We are CRAZY!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Broken Water Main

Our elementary school has a broken water main for the second day in a row. Now, let me be clear, I love my kids and I love having my kids home with me. That being said, I had PLANS for the last 2 days. I was going to breakfast with Jenny yesterday and I was to meet with a nice lady from church about getting involved with the seniors ministry yesterday, then rescheduled to today. I remembered to reschedule yesterday, but guess who forgot today. Yep, poor lady was at the church waiting for me to show up (not quite as bad as it sounds since she works there) and I was a no show. GREAT impression! Oh well, thankfully she understood my crazy.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Where have we been?

Well, it's been a long time since I have consistently posted. Did anyone (other than Misty) notice? In addition to a triplet birthday, let me give you an idea of what has been going on around here:

Yep, soccer, soccer and more soccer. Not only do the three boys play, but Gary coaches (yet again) Collin and Danny's team and, when he can, he helps out with Nathan's team. Please, don't think I am complaining, because I'm really not, but we are BUSY! We have practice/games at least 4 nights a week and then usually 2 games on the weekend. Add to that, Nathan has just started ref-ing 7-8 year old games. He is really good with little kids, he knows HOW to play the game, and he earns a little bit of money. Not a bad deal! It's been interesting for him to be on the other side of soccer games.

Nathan is also trying out for the middle school basketball team. It's amazing that he has hardly touched a basketball since last season, but he told me he is in the top 4 or 5 kids trying out. He has been blessed with athletic genes! (Believe me I thank God that he didn't get my athleticism!) He will also play on a rec team, but I think it'll be fun to play for his school. All of this is a great reason to keep his grades up because he will be yanked off any sports team the minute his grades drop!

Collin and Danny have both decided to play the trombone for the school band. Kaylyn took up my old flute. Collin and Danny are borrowing their trombones from the school, but, of course, to get my old flute in shape to play, we had to pay $120 for Kaylyn. Oh well, I just hope she gets as much enjoyment out of it as I did.

Last, but surely not least, Collin has had heel pain on and off for the last several months...maybe even longer. Since he started to consistently limp, I took him to the orthopedist. He was sent for a MRI and it turns out he has a bruised heel bone. We were told if we didn't treat it, it would become a stress fracture. Soooooooo, now Collin has a lovely boot for his left foot for the next 4 weeks. He can't play soccer or participate in P.E. He will get it off just in time for soccer playoffs if it heals properly. I hope so!

Well, that about sums it up. Thanks for coming back to our little blog.