Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Picture Day!

Today was picture day at the elementary school. What is it about picture day that can start our day with DRAMA!?! Of course, the kids want to wear something "cool" and I want them to look "nice" because a. I am paying for them, b. The pictures go on MY wall and c. I buy the children nice clothes to wear, no matter what they usually choose, and want to have pictures to prove it! That being said, of course there was a clash of huge proportions both last night and this morning. (I really DID try to get it out of the way last night, we chose clothes and discussed what and why they were wearing those clothes, but of course the argument was renewed after a good night's rest.) I won't even go into the hair discussion for fear of my head splitting in two and spinning 360 degrees.

All I can say is I really don't want those pictures now. Each time I look at them I will be reminded of the LOVELY communication the children and I share. I will also be reminded of how much the kids enjoy looking nice to go to their "church clothes". By the way, when did they become church clothes just because they had a collar and/or buttons? Really! All shirts with collars and buttons are labeled "church clothes" in this house.

Quick, someone remind me as to why this matters? Someone? Anyone?

1 comment:

Misty V said...

"Mom, why do I have to look nice and wear church clothes. No one else has to wear church clothes. Can I take them off right after the pictures?"

I have no idea what u r talking about :0) That conversation never happens in our house! Hang n there, and hang the pics on the wall to remind u that you won!!!