Sunday, March 1, 2009

It's Snowing, Again, and a Prayer Request

We are getting a real snowstorm! They are talking 6-10 INCHES!! We don't own a snow shovel because when we moved we didn't think we would need one anymore. Oh well, I am sure that we will have fun anyway. I hope to have more snow pictures tomorrow. The kids are really counting on no too!

Oh, on another note, my mom has to go to the eye doctor at Johns Hopkins in the morning. Please keep her in your prayers as it is possible she has lost 3/4 of her eye sight in one eye. Please pray for wisdom for the doctors, restored sight for the eye, and travel for Mom and Dudley in the snow. Thanks!

1 comment:

swoozyQ said...

I'll be praying for your mom and Dud!! Is this a surgery she's going in for or a consultation?