Monday, March 23, 2009


I have been so very sad over having to give my Holly away. The decision and the actual "doing" have all but knocked me off my feet. As I emailed to a dear friend, my mind knows I did the right thing, my heart is just having a hart time getting in's just too broken. I know she's just a dog, but for me, Holly was a part of the family.

God is so good to allow me several days to morn. However, tonight, he has reminded me that my life is really filled with such great blessings. I was checking on some blogs that I follow and realized that so many others have such hard situations. There is one in particular that has touched my heart. MckMama has a baby boy in the hospital right now. Their story about Stellan's birth is a true miracle and testimony to their faith. I found this blog through several blog links a while ago. She has a huge following. I sometimes check to see what is new. Tonight, I was sad to read that Stellan is so sick. Check out their amazing story by clicking here: MckMama. If you feel led, please send up a prayer on their behalf...I know I will!

Needless to say, this totally put my little bump in the road in perspective. All of my dumplings are, against all odds, healthy, happy and full of life. There was no way that I should've had 5 such wonderful, healthy kids. I was told by the doctors I wouldn't! Even when my triplets were in the NICU, I had such a peace about their health. We had very few moments of was mostly just waiting on them to be able to eat and regulate their temps. Even the nurses were amazed at just how healthy all 3 were. I can't imagine wondering if my baby will make it home.

So, tonight, I will go to bed a little less sad. I will count my blessings, check on my peacefully sleeping children-all in their own beds, and wake up tomorrow with a smile on my face. Will I still miss Holly? Sure, but I will choose to focus on the blessings in front of me...and be thankful for them.

1 comment:

Angie said...

I have also been following MckMama's blog too!!! I had the exact same revelation about my own family. We are so very blessed with 6 beautiful children. God is so good. We have been praying for this litte one and will continue to do so. God's Will be done. Blessing to you Robin! You are such an amazing friend. Love ya,