Saturday, February 28, 2009

The End of Indoor

I forgot to mention that last weekend was Claire's last indoor soccer game. Before the game, she told me that she had had fun, but was never going to play again. That decision made, she came out and played the best game EVER! She even...RAN! She has always been a really great "scooter", not putting too much effort into running for fear she might sweat. She really is my mini-me! It was great to see her try so hard out on the court. They got trophies at the end. I don't know that she cared about that, but she loved that they got a snack afterwards! It's all about the social interaction over food that makes it fun!

Today was Kaylyn, Collin and Danny's last indoor game. They had a super tough season. It was great to see just how much the kids improved. Even one of the refs mentioned just how much the team improved over the season. Gary worked really hard to bring the best out of all the kids. At the end, they tied 2 games, but lost the rest. There were some really exciting moments. Kaylyn scored her first and second goals ever this season. Collin and Danny were amazing on defense. They had quite a few saves at the very last second. The games would've been total blowouts without them on defense. Danny had the most amazing goal from a penalty shot at almost half court. He just lofted it and it dropped right in the goal...really one of the prettiest shots ever! Our kids are so lucky that they have a Daddy that takes the time and effort to coach and work with the kids and make them better. I think they had a good time, regardless of the record.

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