These two girls are usually the best of friends as well as wonderful sisters. However, there are times that they just start to pluck one another's nerves. Usually that is an indication that they are tired, bored, tired, grumpy, tired, pre-hormonal, tired, or just sick of one another. Or maybe tired. Today was just such a day.
I heard the rumblings upstairs, followed by stomping down the steps, the older yelling for "Mom", and the younger yelling "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to". Most of the time I try to let the kids work things out between themselves, but this was at the point I needed to step in.
Mom: "Stop, before you say anything, I heard Claire say she was sorry and she didn't mean to. Before you tattle, please decide if we need to continue."
Kaylyn: "But...:
Claire: "I said I didn't mean to. I said I'm sorry."
Mom: "Kaylyn, are you sure you want to continue with this?"
Kaylyn: "Yes, Mom..."
Claire: "I said I didn't mean to. I didn't mean to open my mouth and I didn't mean to bite you."
Kaylyn: "See...Mom..."
Mom: "Wait, please, Kaylyn. Claire, did you bite Kaylyn?"
Claire: "I didn't mean to but I just got it in my head and my mouth opened and it happened! I didn't mean to because I thought about it and I knew it was wrong, but my mouth just opened and bit her! I didn't mean to and I apologized!"
Mom (at this point knowing this was a serious thing but almost unable to keep from laughing): "I see. Why is your mouth so angry?"
Claire: "Because she is wrong."
Kaylyn: "I am not! I am NOT WRONG!"
Mom (pulling at her hair at this point): "I don't care who is right or wrong. What is so important that you two can't seem to agree and have to continue this argument?"
Kaylyn: "She says I'm not in 5th grade."
Claire: "Your NOT! School hasn't started yet! You're not in 5th grade! You're still in 4th!"
Kaylyn: "NO I'M NOT! I'm in 5th grade! I finished 4th grade already!"
Mom (ready to knock heads together): "You're both wrong. Kaylyn, you are BETWEEN 4th and 5th grade. You HAVE finished 4th, but you HAVEN'T started 5th yet. So, you are both wrong. Now, go sit on your beds, don't look or talk to each other until you can get along!"
Claire: "Told ya!"
Kaylyn: "Well, you were wrong too!"
Mom: "GO NOW! Don't speak, just go!"
Now, you tell me, just how can you take this kind of thing seriously? Oh, and do you want to guess who will be getting to bed early tonight (besides me)?