We have made the hardest decision. As soon as arrangements can be made, we have to give our little Holly back to the shelter. We have tried everything to make her fit with our family. We have had a dog trainer come to the house and work with us. We have spent a ton of money on blood work, x-rays and medicine. We have visited a different vet. We have tried everything we can think of...given her chance after chance. She just keeps having issues. The worst part is that 95% of the time she is the sweetest dog ever. She is loving and fun-all a puppy should be. It's the other 5% that is the problem. We just can't have 5% unpredictability. She has at least one incident of growling or snapping a day...out of the clear blue. These incidents are totally unprovoked. Thankfully, she hasn't caught anyone, but, really, do we want to wait for that?
So...I am asking for your prayers that I can get over this little bump in the road. Although my mind knows that we are doing the right thing, my heart feels like I have failed. I feel like there should be something else we can do, something that will give us a happy ending. I just don't know what it might be.
I am heart broken.
Sorry. You all are in my thoughts.
I'm sorry to hear it...I hope Holly will find a new home soon.
awww I'm so sorry! Just remember, it's not your fault - dogs are like people, they have individual personalities and some just aren't able to handle the busy lifestyle of a family with 5 kids and the in-and-out of company that comes with that. You can't learn that until the dog is in that situation though. It's not your fault - it's just a dif. of personality.
Holly will find a new home that fits her personality and you will find a new puppy that better fits your family and lifestyle. All things happen for a reason and so is true with this situation - remember we might not always know or understand God's plan, but He has one. :-)
*love and hugs!*
~ Kristen
Like I said Sista, Some people are nuts and some dogs are too. YOU ARE DOING THE RIGHT THING!!!
Apparently you are NOT a pack leader. Just because you can "lead" a pack of kids doesn't make you a leader. Your dog is smarter than you.
I'm not sure how you found my post, but thank you for your interest. Obviously this is a very hard decision, maybe one you don't agree with. All I can say is that we are taking the advice of 2 professionals that suggest we give Holly away to another home. We need to protect our children first. We need a pet that can be a safe member of our family. Our hope and prayer is that Holly will find a home in which she will be cared for and loved. I can assure you that none of us have taken this decision lightly. I pray that you will never find yourself in or judged for such a difficult decision.
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