Sunday, February 1, 2009

Crazy Game

Saturday, Nathan's team had the best basketball game EVER! It was so exciting, guess who forgot to take pictures? Yep, me! It was too much to think about the camera at this game. Nate's team was down 16-8 at the beginning of the fourth quarter. They lost, with position of the ball 16-15! If they had just another 20 seconds, I feel sure they would've won! Not only that, but who do you think lead the comeback? Yep, Nathan! He had several blocked shots, rebounds and even fast breaks just in the last quarter. He also had his first three point play, the hard way! He made a jumper and the the free throw. It was too exciting for words. The best part was in the car afterwards.

He said, "Momma, that was the best game! It was so fun to play. I did so good, I'm not even embarrassed we lost. I bet we'll win next time."

Now, that attitude does a Momma's heart good.


Misty V said...

Great game, Nathan! I know you and Gary were very proud! Have a great week!

Jamie said...

Wow, it seems he luvs to play basketball!!