Thursday, December 25, 2008

Letter to Santa

Somehow in the chaos known as Christmas Eve this year (see previous post, even if it is way long) my children remembered to leave a note, cookies and milk for Santa. It was so funny. After finding the kids' Christmas Eve gift boxes, not getting the Norman Rockwell picture I wanted, running to the bathroom to not quite throw up, and tears all around from the children, I found the note. I made me smile and even chuckle a little.Now, what you can't read from the picture is what is written in the For Santa note. Once open on the top, it said:

Dear Santa,

Nathan has bin bad this year. I hope you like the milk and cookies.

I'm not sure which kid wrote this, but I suspect Collin or Danny did. It was too funny! Then at the bottom of the letter, written by Claire was:

Dear Santa,

Claire has bin a good gral this year!

Best gral in the wrld,


P.S. You shod nat give Nathan eneny presits becaus Nathan dus not bleve in you!

Poor Nate, he had been sold out by those closest to him!

By the way, Santa did leave Nathan presents. He also left some special North Pole snow around the fireplace and tree. Did you know that North Pole snow doesn't melt? It has to be vacuumed. The kids were blown away at the evidence of Santa and Santa's generosity. It was way fun! They are amazing kids, even when their momma isn't!


swoozyQ said...

That's so cute :) I love the North pole snow!

Momma said...

Swoozy, thanks for your comments. It is great to see that you read and enjoy my stories. You totally bless me!