I want it on record here on my blog, among those that know and love me, that I have spent the day wrapping gifts. Yes, me, the worst procrastinator on record, has wrapped gifts BEFORE Christmas Eve! I know, you may need smelling salts, oxygen or an EMT, but the unexpected has happened. (I don't even think Hell has frozen over nor have I seen any flying pigs!) I have pictures to prove it! (I know that there are those of you-who should remain nameless, but won't-that wouldn't believe it without proof, Susan, Misty and Tina!)

And yes, there are different wrapping papers for each child. It really helps on Christmas morning for the kids to know what pile belongs to them. I have different paper for extended family as well.

Haaaaah, I CAN be organized when I try really,
really hard! Now, just where do you hide all of these wrapped gifts? And, more important, what do you do on Christmas Eve?
Okay, okay! So I feel derelict now! I'm really impressed! And I bet you figure out what to do on Christmas Eve. You are the best!
I think the boxes are all empty. My friend Robin would never be finished with more than a week to spare before Christmas
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