Tuesday, December 2, 2008

A Great Shine to the East

Most of you woke up this morning and saw a wonderful, beautiful, warm shine in the eastern sky. You thought that it was the morning sun. I am here to tell you that, nope, it's not the sun. It's not the star that the wise men followed either. It's me. Yep. Me.

Why, you ask. (You are still out there, right? I do still have people reading this thing, right?) Why could I possibly be shining so brightly? Two words:


I got my Christmas dishes out to use now through January. They are Pfaltzgraff Hollyberry so I can use them for all winter-not just Christmas.

And, last year I bought some red dishes to match my Hollyberry. (They were on sale, alright!)For those of you that don't know, I am now within 25 minutes of a Pfaltzgraff and Lenox outlet. This is a wonderful, fabulous, dangerous, horrible thing for a dish-a-holic like me! The red dishes are just perfect to use when I am feeling a little less "holleyberryish"!

I am one happy woman!


swoozyQ said...

I would totally be a dish-a-holic like you if I could. I think the lack of storage is the main reason I don't.

Dianne said...

That glow was actually the result of the joy from BOTH our homes! I got my hollyberry dishes out, too.