Not too bad for "the morning after". I am so thankful that all of the kids have very short memories and didn't hold my explosion against me come morning. They all wanted to know if I felt better...and did I get all of the gifts wrapped? They are really too wonderful for this very flawed Momma!
We had a ton of fun unwrapping gifts. I got to unwrap mine first because Gary bought me a new camera. I had asked for a smaller, lighter camera to keep in my purse for all of those "blog moments" when we are out and about. He, being the wonderful, attentive husband he is, heard and responded to my repeated request! I am now a proud owner of a Cannon Elph (in blue). He was so excited to get it for me, and the kids were even more excited to see me receive my special gift! They keep talking about Momma's new cool camera! They, as always, humble me with their love.
For me, the most special moments, were watching the kids give each other the gifts they had bought.
Nathan, in particular, was proud of himself with the gifts he had purchased. See, last year, he didn't have much to give. He didn't think about needing to give his brothers and sisters gifts until Christmas morning. This year, the middle school had a special day that the kids could redeem their Thunderbucks (little dollars that they get for good behavior, doing homework, etc.) for Christmas gifts. It is an silent auction format and Nathan had put down all 200 of his bucks for a train set for Collin and Danny. He won and was SUPER excited to get it for the boys. He then traded for some doll clothes to give Claire and was given a NASCAR bag for Dud. (Some of the kids won things they didn't really want or were willing to give away. Nate lobbied hard for the things he wanted.) He then worked around the house for money to buy gifts for Kaylyn and Grammy. I was really proud of him for thinking ahead (something that is tough when your hormones have run off with your brain) and wanting to get things for others. His sweet heart is really still alive and well!
As mentioned in a previous post, Kaylyn and Claire went shopping with me. Collin and Danny had gone out with Grammy. Collin also had Grandpa Dud cut out guns from plywood to give the boys. (Dud called really apologetic later since guns are usually frowned upon by me, but who could be mad when Collin was so excited?)
All of the kids were just busting at the seams to see the others open their gifts. I could've stopped Christmas right there and been totally content. But, of course, we didn't. There were so many more gifts to open!
We finished opening gifts, ate brunch and then settled in for a wonderful day playing with our new toys. Once I had cleaned up, I even got to lay down because I was so wiped out from not feeling well the night before.
Later that afternoon, we went over to Grammy's house for another round of gifts and delicious food. The kids, as usual, beat me out the door and over to Grammy's. I walked in and Nate came running over. He said, "Momma, we are really spoiled! Look at all of these gifts! Can you believe we get MORE!!! We are so SPOILED!" So, we spoiled people, opened gifts, ate a wonderful turkey dinner until we couldn't eat anymore, and read the Christmas story. We even sang Happy Birthday to Jesus and ate birthday cake. I just can't imagine a more wonderful Christmas, can you?
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