Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Kaylyn's Breakfast Creation

Kaylyn is my budding chef. For Christmas, Kaylyn received Paula Deen's kid's cookbook. I LOVE Paula Deen, I want to be Paula Deen when I grow up! She was looking through it this morning and decided that she wanted to make breakfast for us. We managed to find a recipe for which I had all of the ingredients. It, shocker, was Cinnamon Rolls. Here they are:

Well, actually, here is the last one. They disappeared so quickly that I only got a picture of the last one. If you look really closely, you will see that in true Paula Deen fashion, there is a marshmallow inside. The verdict from the family?

"MMMMMMMM, these are great! You should've made more!" That was Danny.

"Oh, these are good! Wow, can I have another?" Nathan.

I was thankful that I got to taste one. It was good, but a little sweet, even for me. I can guess that Kaylyn will make these again and again. I can also guess that they will disappear just as quickly! I guess that I'll have to keep marshmallows on hand!


swoozyQ said...

mmmmmm it looks yummy! Can I have the recipe? I've been wanting a quich and easy recipe for cinn. rolls. Maybe this will be the one.

MaierHousehold said...

I got this cookbook for my birthday. I love it! i haven't quite gotten up the nerve to let my 5 year old try to use it yet.

Happy New Year!

Momma said...

Swoozy, I'll get you this one if you want, but I have a better one that's almost as easy I'll send you as well. I also have the best chicken, spinach, swiss quiche. Yummy!

swoozyQ said...

ooh yes! Thank you Robin! I really have been looking for one that won't take all morning to make or one that would make me wake up at 6am to start it. :/ I still like to sleep :)

swoozyQ said...

I'm totally laughing because I was wondering why you said something about a quiche recipe and then I read my first comment. My "quich" is supposed to say "quick"
sorry about that. :)

Heather said...

Looks yummy! Mine aren't quite old enough to bake yet, but I'm sure they will be the same. Well, they like to help in the kitchen but not do a ton so far. We do cake mixes and quick breads mostly. Happy New Year!