Please note the size of the sword in this picture-and yes, that is a real dime next to it.
One cannot imagine the size of the fight that teeny, tiny sword caused in our home last night. This sword belonged to Danny. Collin noticed it in our pencil jar several weeks ago. He kept an eye on it and, after several weeks, got it out and started to play with it. Enter the rightful owner of the sword, Danny. He hadn't missed his tiny sword for weeks, WEEKS I tell you! Of course, upon seeing his brother happily playing, Danny wanted-no needed-no HAD TO HAVE his sword THIS VERY MINUTE!!!!! Collin, understandably, didn't want to give the sword up. Now, in a perfect world, the world of denial that I would like to live in, the confrontation would go something like this:
Danny: "Hey, that's my sword."
Collin: "Oh, it is? Do you mind if I play with it for a while. I found it in the pencil jar."
Danny: "Of course not, my wonderful brother. You may play with it as long as you like. When you are finished, please return it to me. I would like to play with it when you are finished."
Collin: "Thank you. Of course I will give it back to you in a timely manner."
Instead of this wonderful demonstration of brotherly love, WW3 broke out! The confrontation was more like this:
Danny: "Hey, that's my sword!!"
Collin: "No it's not. It's mine. I found it in the pencil jar!"
Danny: "It's MINE!!! I didn't know where it was!"
Collin: "It was in the pencil jar. I found it and it's mine!"
Danny: "Give it to ME, IT'S MINE!!!!
Followed by punches, rolling around on the floor and tears, many, many tears, from both boys. Please, PLEASE, PLEASE tell me, was that teeny, tiny sword worth it? Not to me.
By the way, the sword is Daddy's now.
Oh the things siblings will fight over. It is amazing that such a little sword would start such a war. I have been in the same situation over some silly little item. Our solution: The Garbage!!!If they can't share it, then trash it is my motto :) I really like your ideal world. Those children are so polite. :) Oh by the way, yes, I am still reading your blog. I would not miss it for anything. Where else would I have so much laughter!!!
So now I see Gary sitting at his desk playing with a little sword! Quick! Put it up before the boss walks by!
I totally get this. I, too, have threatened to throw a toy away.
I actually see it in my future.
Hey, I didn't know some of you were reading this thing. Awesome! Thanks for commenting! As for sitting at his dest playing with the sword, TOTALLY! I can see that happening!
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