Monday, December 8, 2008

Funny Conversation Part 2

So sorry to leave you hanging. I was called away by my wonderful, fun loving, patient family. (Stop grinning, they can be all of those things, just not last night at the moment I sat down at the computer...or just sat down if you really want to know!)

Anyway, we were in the car-prime "talk time" since they can't get away from me to do something fun like play Lego's, throw the football or run to the bathroom to escape my questions! I was asking all of the Momma questions, you know, who do you like to play with at school, who do you sit next to at lunch, who's the nicest/meanest person in 4th grade, etc. It's fun to hear the answers, and more than that, I file away (in my mind-I don't really have a true file on the kids in school. Come on!) little stories that they tell me so I know who the kids are for later use. Not to mention, they don't usually give a lot of information away on a daily basis. I just want to know what goes on in their heads. (Be careful what you wish for as you'll read in a minute!) Surely you all do the same line of questioning? Right? If not, don't tell me. I don't want to know if I'm to "intrusive" in their little lives.

ANYWAY, we are having a great dialog, when the subject of "girls" came up. Good grief, I'm not ready for my baby boys to be into girls! Collin has a crush on a girl. She is "hot, sizzling HOT" (thanks for the middle school descriptive words, Nathan!) I am told by Collin. (And, NO, we don't look at girls like objects in our house. That was discussed at a later date. Right now, I just wanted to hear about this little crush and a lecture at this point would kill the conversation.) We'll call our little sizzle "A" for our purposes.
Danny chimes in, teasing, that maybe he likes "A", too.
Collin's response, "I'll kill you. Stay away from MY girl." Wait, WHAT?!? I'll kill you? My girl?!? Whoa, what kind of girl can bring out such emotion from my mostly emotionless boychild, Collin.
Danny then says, "She's going to like me better because I'm 1/2 inch taller and skinnier. You're uglier." (Great, now we have the middle school trash talk! Again, thanks Nathan! Big brothers can't seem to keep their bad habits to themselves!)
Collin's response, "Well, if I'm ugly, you are too. We're twins you know!"
Danny, "Oh yeah, you're right. Let's talk about something else."
We then hear that Danny likes "B". "B" is someone that Collin had a crush on last year. Apparently, "B" had hurt Collin in the past.
His wise words for Danny were, "I told you, she will break your heart. BREAK YOUR HEART, I tell you."
Danny, "She's so pretty. I just think she is so pretty!"
Collin, "She's pretty alright, but she will break your heart! She did mine!"
Danny, "Yeah, you're right. She's pretty on the outside, but UGLY on the inside. I'll have to find someone else-maybe "A"."
"I'll kill you. Stay away from my girl!" Wait, we are back there again!?! I knew that there was always the possibility that the boys might like the same girl, but I never thought that it would come so early or with such dire consequences!

I did go into the obligatory conversation about how we are family and that no one, especially a girl, should ever come between us, yadda, yadda, yadda. I have to be honest, though. It was lost in the following conversation about their "male members". I would love to tell that story, but I can't due to the fact that they may read this in later years. Let's just say that I learned more about my boys than I thought I would on a simple car ride. I think I need to take Collin and Danny out a little more often-I learned so much! I'm not sure why they opened up on this particular car ride. Maybe it was the milkshake...or the popcorn...Hmmm...


swoozyQ said...

Don't worry, I ask the same exact questions of my boys. It's a good thing. Boys won't tell unless you ask and even then it's like pulling teeth. How else would I have found out that little Betty Turner flipped up her dress and showed her privates to my son? True story, different name. :<

I'm glad I'm not in your shoes YET.

Dianne said...

Oh, my poor babies! I thought SURE you had a FEW more years before some "strumpet" broke your hearts! Momma, keep up the good work--and keep those car rides going--you know they were always the best times for learning about TR's life.