Claire's class had a Mexican Fiesta.
I was asked to bring in refried beans. Claire and I both wondered just who was going to eat that! But, I took them in, and as we thought, no one ate them :)! Oh well, the fiesta was fun anyway. I know that Claire's going to miss her teacher.
They really came a long way from the first day of school! The first day, Claire thought she yelled all day long and didn't want to go back. The last day, Claire had to have a little cry because she would miss her teacher over the summer.
Kaylyn's class had an ice cream party. I was to send in sliced strawberries.
I tried, I really did! I went to 2 different fruit stands this morning, but I found out that strawberry season ended 3 days ago. There weren't any fresh strawberries to be found! I stressed over whether or not I had time to run into town and decided that I didn't. Sooooooooo, I took a small jar of my homemade strawberry jam, heated it with a little water and made strawberry sauce. I heard that it was a hit...even more than sliced fresh strawberries would've been. Kaylyn's teacher in on maternity leave, so her student teacher came back to sub at the end of the year. Kaylyn really loved her!
Danny's class had an ice cream party also.
Thankfully, all I had to send in was peanut butter chips. He had a fine year. Of all of the kids, I think he had the most "growing pains" this year. He had a teacher that was very good, but very matter of fact. She was not a warm fuzzy kind of teacher. Danny responds best to warm and fuzzy, so he had to work a little harder to be motivated this year. That being said, he ended the year with straight A's. Hard to argue with that!
Collin had a brunch.
His teacher was a little more health conscious! I sent in chocolate chip muffins (I, obviously, am not health conscious!). From all reports, they were a hit. Collin loved them-he had 3! He loved his teacher this year and is thrilled to hear that she will be moving up to 5th grade next year. I am afraid that he will be devastated if he doesn't get her again. We will have to wait to see.
I'm not sure what Nathan had other than a "fun day". I wasn't invited to visit his last day of school. Ahhhhhhh, the life of a middle school momma. I am never sure what is going on there. I do know that he LOVED his first year of middle school. He ended the year feeling great about himself socially and academically. I know that middle school is awful for many kids, but Nathan seems to have really blossomed. I only hope that it will be so great for the others when it's their turn.
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