Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Prayers Please
Well, when it rains it pours, especially for our family. Let me start by saying, I KNOW God's still in control no matter how crazy things seem. I don't doubt that for a moment. I just wish He would fill me in on what the plan is just a little bit.
My mom is having some major health issues-the big C word...possible cancer. She needs to have some tests done and the results from those tests can influence the rest of our lives. We believe that she is getting the best care possible, but that doesn't stop us from being concerned...not worried because we know that God has a plan...but we are concerned. Oh, and the eye problem from several months ago is still in the picture. She is to get another shot in the eye next week if she doesn't put it off.
While we were getting a procedure done yesterday, my grandfather fell and broke his hip. He, being the stubborn, hardheaded man he is, waited until no one was watching and went BY HIMSELF out to the garden. He had been forbidden to go out by himself, but did it anyway. While he was out there, he fell and was unable to move his right leg. Thank God Nathan was able to help Grandpa Dud get Papa into the wheelchair and up to the garage. My wonderful husband came home just in time to help get him into the house. We had to take him to the hospital by ambulance. He now needs surgery tomorrow. After viewing several x-rays, he has a few other issues as well, but they need to be addressed in the future-if at all.
Papa's health issues, of course, are a huge concern for us. However, for me, more of a concern is that my mom continues to stay on top of what she needs to have done. We just can't trade her health for his at this point. She is the world's best daughter and will allow her concerns about her father supersede her own health issues. Yes, I could gladly hit her over the head for that, except that I would most likely do the same thing in her shoes. It's just the way we are wired. Everyone else comes before us. Most of the time that's a good trait, but not when cancer is in the picture. Time is of the essence!
On top of all of that, my poor Kaylyn started running a fever yesterday of 103. She still had 102 this morning, so I took her to the doctor who had her tested for the swine flu. Thankfully, she doesn't have it, but we don't know what she has. If she is still running the fever on Thursday, we have to go back for some more tests. Great! I think Claire seems to be getting a little warm too.
Well, all of that information, and I know it's a lot, is to ask you all out there to pray for our family. It just seems like it's a lot for us right now, especially my mom. Pray for wisdom for the doctors and our family as we try to make the best decisions possible. Thanks!
My mom is having some major health issues-the big C word...possible cancer. She needs to have some tests done and the results from those tests can influence the rest of our lives. We believe that she is getting the best care possible, but that doesn't stop us from being concerned...not worried because we know that God has a plan...but we are concerned. Oh, and the eye problem from several months ago is still in the picture. She is to get another shot in the eye next week if she doesn't put it off.
While we were getting a procedure done yesterday, my grandfather fell and broke his hip. He, being the stubborn, hardheaded man he is, waited until no one was watching and went BY HIMSELF out to the garden. He had been forbidden to go out by himself, but did it anyway. While he was out there, he fell and was unable to move his right leg. Thank God Nathan was able to help Grandpa Dud get Papa into the wheelchair and up to the garage. My wonderful husband came home just in time to help get him into the house. We had to take him to the hospital by ambulance. He now needs surgery tomorrow. After viewing several x-rays, he has a few other issues as well, but they need to be addressed in the future-if at all.
Papa's health issues, of course, are a huge concern for us. However, for me, more of a concern is that my mom continues to stay on top of what she needs to have done. We just can't trade her health for his at this point. She is the world's best daughter and will allow her concerns about her father supersede her own health issues. Yes, I could gladly hit her over the head for that, except that I would most likely do the same thing in her shoes. It's just the way we are wired. Everyone else comes before us. Most of the time that's a good trait, but not when cancer is in the picture. Time is of the essence!
On top of all of that, my poor Kaylyn started running a fever yesterday of 103. She still had 102 this morning, so I took her to the doctor who had her tested for the swine flu. Thankfully, she doesn't have it, but we don't know what she has. If she is still running the fever on Thursday, we have to go back for some more tests. Great! I think Claire seems to be getting a little warm too.
Well, all of that information, and I know it's a lot, is to ask you all out there to pray for our family. It just seems like it's a lot for us right now, especially my mom. Pray for wisdom for the doctors and our family as we try to make the best decisions possible. Thanks!
Monday, June 29, 2009
Hamburger and Stale Fries
I saw these adorable cupcake hamburger and cookie fries on Bakerella's web site. I knew right away I NEEDED to try them. Mine didn't turn out exactly like hers, but I thought they were just great. Even better,the kids thought they were AWESOME! It always thrills me when I am able to impress my children.
I made these for Pappy when they were here on Saturday. He and Grandmom thought they were "somethin' else". They always say I'm "somethin'". I think they liked it though.
I made this little basket for Maggie when she was recovering from surgery. I never thought that she might still be a little groggy from the anesthesia. We gave the basket of yummies to her and she ate a fry first.
She said, "Thanks, but are these fries stale?" Bless her heart, she didn't realize that they were cookies, not real french fries, and they tasted REALLY funny to her. I had a huge laugh about it, but Jenny about died. I thought it was the perfect comment from a groggy little girl. So now, I have decided that these are cupcake hamburgers and stale fries. I will make them again. It was fun to serve hamburger and fry dessert! And my kids LOVED them. That's the true seal of approval.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Children of the Corn
We stopped by Jenny's farm last night after the VBS musical. They have beautiful fields of corn. Of course, after the great weeds pictures, I saw that as a photo op. The kids humored me, and the pictures turned out pretty good.
Jenny's husband, Randy, has been working hard on the wheat fields. He has a tractor trailer full of this:
This whole field was 4 foot (I think, but I didn't measure it) tall wheat just 2 days ago. I have a whole new respect for farmers now that I know one. They work REALLY hard and really long days. It has been fun to learn more and more about the community around us. Jenny and Randy have been super kind to answer all of my hundreds of questions. They also let me take some great pictures on their farm. Thanks guys!
VBS Musical
The kids had the Vacation Bible School musical tonight. Danny and Collin weren't sure that they wanted to participate, but their mean momma made them! They did a great job singing and even doing the hand movements. I think, even if they won't admit it, they had fun.
I know Claire and Kaylyn did. Poor Kaylyn was squished on stage. She could hardly move her arms. Claire knew all of the songs and all of the movements. She was right on throughout the whole musical. I am always amazed at how great she does with music.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Visit with Grandmom and Pappy
Grandmom and Pappy came to visit today. We had a fun day. Grandmom brought an Eye Spy book that she and the children had a lot of fun looking at. She's not much of a wrestler, you know.
Collin and Danny decided to wrestle each other.
Claire. Their technique is a little unusual I think!
Nathan almost "took" Pappy, but not quite. It was a close match. I think Pappy was surprised at just how strong Nate has gotten.
Gary jumped in just to say he could. I'm afraid it will be only a year or two before Gary will need some help! 
We really had a lovely day. Thanks for making the trip down to see us Grandmom and Pappy. Please come back soon!
Friday, June 26, 2009
Feel Better, Maggie
Our little friend Maggie had to have surgery today. She is out, home and recovering. Yay!
Feel better Miss Magpie. We want to play soon!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
A New Game
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Busy Days
We have had Vacation Bible School in the mornings this week. Everyone but Nathan goes. They seem to be enjoying it. Nathan seems to be enjoying some one on one Momma time. We have been running errands before running back to pick everyone up. He's great company.
This afternoon, we went to play on the Slip and Slide with Denise, her kids, Jenny and her kids. We had a fun time and a nice lunch. (Hey, I took homemade strawberry jam-it had to be good!)Being with Denise brings back memories of my triplets as younger kids. Whew, I am glad that they are a little older now!
Three year old triplets are exhausting! My big kids are great with the little kids-they are super patient and kind to the little ones. It really makes me so proud of the little people they are.
Nathan likes the kids too, but he wanted to watch the USA vs. Spain soccer game. He watched the first half at Denise's house, but we came home for the second. He was just thrilled that USA won!
The other 4 kids fell asleep for a much needed nap. We have been so busy that they just needed a little extra sleep-and their behavior at home showed it! Collin and Danny had a real knock down, drag out fight after VBS. They are getting too big for that...it hurts now...a lot!
Well, another fun summer day down. I think it is flying by much to quickly!
The other 4 kids fell asleep for a much needed nap. We have been so busy that they just needed a little extra sleep-and their behavior at home showed it! Collin and Danny had a real knock down, drag out fight after VBS. They are getting too big for that...it hurts now...a lot!
Well, another fun summer day down. I think it is flying by much to quickly!
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
We have been really busy the last week or so. Tonight, I just updated for quite a few entries. If you are interested, please scroll down to see the end of school, early summer activities and a chicken festival. So sorry I have been gone for so long. I will try to update more regularly in the future! Thanks for reading about our crazy lives.
Monday, June 22, 2009
More Flower Pictures
Gary loved the pictures from Father's Day so much, we decided to try to get individual shots of the kids. I have a wall in our family room that has an 8x10 of each of the children. I have last year's school pictures hung because, for some reason, I couldn't order just an 8x10 of this year's. Anyway, since the flowers/weeds are so pretty, my camera so wonderful and my luck was so good, I thought I would try to get some shots of the kids myself. For some reason, it was harder to get individual shots than the group ones we did the other day. Anyway, after several attempts, here are the best:
I'll send them to Walmart and have them printed out. Boy, they just keep growing like crazy. I so wish I could stop time for just a little while.
Oh, and who knew that weeds could make such a great background for photos?
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Father's Day
I am so proud to be the wife of a wonderful father to our children. Gary has been all a Daddy could be for our kids, and then some. He gets up at an ungodly hour each weekday so that he can get to work and get home at a reasonable hour. He spends hours and hours learning about how to be the best soccer coach he can be. He is the leader in our home that the children can look to for integrity in all he does. He is VERY consistent (thank God, because I tend to be a little more wishy washy) in his ideals. Our children couldn't wish for a more wonderful and loving Daddy. Hope you have a super day, Honey.
We did a special project for Father's Day this year. We took some great pictures for Daddy, and they turned out GREAT! I couldn't have asked the kids to be more co-operative.+of+IMG_1534.JPG)
Aren't they wonderful? I took quite a few others and put them in a 9 picture frame. Gary loved it!
He even took it to church to show it off a little. The kids were so proud of the great pictures and there wasn't one complaint-even when they had to march into the tall weeds. Here are a few of the other favorites.
I can't believe how big the kids look now. I am wondering where my little, preemie triples are!.jpg)
No one would guess that Nathan is just 12 and Kaylyn is 10 1/2 from this picture. It's like a peek into the future!.jpg)
Claire loved this picture. The boys were just hanging on!.jpg)
It was a fun day full of church, Gary's favorite lunch, video games and movie watching. Gary's wish for Father's Day was a relaxing, fun day with the kids. I think he got it!
Saturday, June 20, 2009
We have a Secret
The kids and I have a secret that we are keeping from Daddy! We worked really hard on it yesterday, before those crazy birthday parties. I am no good at secrets, no good at all! I can't wait until Father's Day morning. I know, it's just in the morning, but we are busting at the seams! Check back tomorrow to see what it is...
Chicken Festival
I now know that we have adopted country life as our own. The biggest thing to hit our county this year is the Chicken Festival. It was held at the 4-H park in the next town over. My friend, Jenny, has been talking about it for a while since her husband is, among other things, the chairman of the fry pan...the 10 FOOT fry pan...portion of the festival. I wasn't sure what to expect, I wasn't even sure I wanted to go, but I felt I needed to see a 10 foot fry pan frying chicken. Soooooo, despite the on and off rain and the really thick mud, the girls and I followed Jenny and her kids to the festival. It was great! Well, it would've been a little better without all the mud and without the tornado warning, but other than that, it was great!
Claire's favorite part was seeing the baby chicks.
Baby chicks are her most favorite farm animal. She doesn't love chickens full grown, but the soft fluffy chicks are right up her alley. Claire's friend is Maggie, the chairman's daughter.
It was a blast!
After some eating some great chicken, playing with baby chicks, and getting some delicious ice cream, we decided that we needed to go home. (After all, the tornado warning was over, so really, where was the added excitement?) We got to ride the tractor back to our car. It really made me laugh to read "Ride at your own Risk" on the little benches. I guess it can be very risky riding on a bench behind a tractor going 5 miles per hour. Please notice the excitement on Maggie's face. I just think that's the best face EVER!
I do have to say, you haven't lived until you have been to a Chicken Festival that has a 10 foot fry pan. It was really the most "country" thing I have done since I moved here...and I LOVED it. Who knew that deep down, I really, really want to be a country girl? Without moving here, I would've never known that part of me. And I really like that part of me!
Friday, June 19, 2009
Birthday Parties
Kaylyn and Claire had two birthday parties this first Friday of summer. What could be more fun?
The first one was for our Bible study teacher's daughter, Cosette. She is Kaylyn's age, but they invited Claire too.
At this party, they played a silly game where the girls at the party tried to apply make up to another girl. The trick was they were blindfolded while attempting to apply that make up! Here are the results!
Ooooooooooh, I think a good face washing is in order. Actually, it was a hoot to watch and everyone was laughing like crazy!
They also had a treasure hunt and a slip and slide. The report was that Claire was the best on the slip and slide while Kaylyn wanted to know what the "treasure" was at the end of the hunt. She wanted to be sure that it was worth hunting.
The second party was a pajama party for Denise's daughter, Helena, down the street. Helena is closer to Claire's age, but Denise was kind enough to invite Kaylyn too. Everyone needed to wear their pajamas to the party.
It was so cute to see all of the little girls in their p.j.s!
They had a blast dressing up in all of the princess clothes Denise had downstairs. Kaylyn was a huge help organizing the little girls. She is just great with little kids and had a great time too!
It was so nice that both of these parties were just nice, at their house parties.
In years past, especially before we moved, I have felt that sometimes parents spend too much money taking kids to places like Chucky Cheese. It was great to see kids having so much fun without having to shell out a ton of money. Of course, you have to get the food and goodie bags, but at least the kids aren't expecting bigger and better each year. Or, maybe it is the parents being comfortable with hosting kids in their home that felt so "right" to me. We are just "home party" kind of people!
Oh, what were the boys doing while all of this partying was going on you ask? Collin and Danny were at Grammy's house for a sleep over and Gary took Nate to see the latest Terminator movie. (That was the "bribe" to get him to go see UP happily.) I have to say, everyone had a great day! Now, I'm exhausted!
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