Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Yellow Tomato Sauce

Yesterday Jenny and I had so many tomatoes we had to make sauce. We made red sauce, meat sauce and a surprise.Actually, SHE had so many tomatoes, as I kill any and all plants left under my care for more than 24 hours. This is what we had left from 2 full bushel baskets! One of her giant tomato plants (She can grow anything, but she has an unfair advantage. She's a farmer's wife!) was confused and gave us half red tomatoes and half yellow. (We thought that this yellow tomato was a boy tomato. Wonder why?)Our culinary challenge (and the surprise) was to figure out what to do with the yellow tomatoes. So we just slipped the skins and made yellow tomato sauce, just like we would've with the red. It was a little sweeter than red sauce, but it was delicious! We decided that it could've been served at one of those cool little trendy cafes as "Pasta with Yellow Tomato Herb Sauce and Grilled Chicken". As you can see, because of the light color, you almost can't see the sauce. It just leaves a great flavor all over the pasta that really complements the grilled chicken.Sounds impressive, huh. I bet we could've gotten $12.95 a plate! It was fun to make something that we knew our families would gag over, but we enjoyed. Maybe one day we'll open our own little trendy cafe. It could be fun!


swoozyQ said...

yum, this sounds really good! Wish I could be your taste tester.

swoozyQ said...

oh, I love the boy tomato!

baresheep said...

I just ate the last of the yellow!

i had fun!! I will have to plant more next year and you can keep on driving?? deal?