Friday, August 7, 2009

A New Experience

I saw something to day that I have never seen before...and I'm not sure I need to see it again anytime soon. We had our septic system pumped. Being a suburbia kinda girl, I had city water growing up. This septic system maintenance thing is new for me. Of course, I had to ask "Big Jim" 101 questions. (On a side note, Big Jim was a lot bigger 1 1/2 years ago. He has lost 200 pounds! Wow, way to go Big Jim!) He told me all about how a septic system works and what I need to do every 2 years. (On another side note, a normal family only had to do this every 5 years, but with all the people and laundry our house has, we need to do it every 2 years. Just a benefit of a big family. ;0) ) I am so glad I don't have to do that on a daily basis! YUCK!! It is STINKY! Anyway, our septic is empty now. Big Jim found a little problem-thank you builder!- so he will be back at the beginning of next week.

The most amazing thing to me is that I didn't have to pay before he started pumping. I asked about payment, and he said they will send me a bill and then got to work. The same thing happened when the exterminator came earlier this week (we had a bee problem that Gary and I didn't want to tackle). I've got to tell you, I am shocked each time this happens. Before we moved, you can be sure that anyone coming to your house to do some work would've had the payment in hand before they started ANYTHING! Sometimes you even had to pay for the house call over the phone before they would even come to your house! It is so refreshing to be trusted by a serviceman. I am sure that things will change here, but for now, I am still loving this new life I'm living...even if we have been here 1 1/2!

1 comment:

baresheep said...

welcome to the Eastern Shore Sister! hee hee