Every year, Nana Pat and Pap spoil us by giving us some money for each of the children's back to school clothes. The girls and I then spend a day shopping with Nana so that we can spend that money. We look forward to it each year!

I have to wonder when I went from 2 little girls to a teen and a preteen. I swear that I didn't blink, but they seem to have grown up before my eyes! Kaylyn, for the first time, was shopping in junior stores. Ouch, that hurts...both emotionally and financially! Nana was a great mediator between Momma and Kaylyn. For some reason-and this has happened the last several years too-no matter what I suggest, it is not what Kaylyn wants to wear.

Thankfully, Nana seems to have better taste and Kaylyn loves her suggestions. So, I just made suggestions to Nana and she then took them to Kaylyn. It worked some of the time, at least when I wasn't caught! Claire had a hard time finding jeans that were comfortable. That was really frustrating for her. We FINALLY did find some, but they will have to be hemmed. Bless her heart, she has curves at 7 years old. She's not heavy at all, but she does have hips and a round tush. Most girls clothes aren't made for 7 year old curves.

Anyway, we had lunch (we had really bad service for some reason and ended up back in the food court at the mall!) and then were off to Target to spend some more money. We had a super time. Thank you Nana and Pap for your thoughtfulness and generosity.

Nana sure makes back to school shopping a little more fun.

We were just exhausted at the end of the day!