Today Grandpa Dud got several loads of mulch for his gardens. My boys had a great opportunity to make a little money and help out Grandpa Dud. Claire made $.50 taking some great pictures for me. She wanted to help with the mulch, but I thought she would be better at picture taking...not to mention I was still in my nightgown and couldn't get out there myself! Anyway, here are some great pictures of the boys in action!
I am married to a wonderful man that not only supports me staying home and taking care of our family, but encourages it! We have 5 great kids, Nathan, Kaylyn, Danny, Collin and Claire. We have been so blessed with a wonderful home in the country. Visit often to peek into our crazy world!
Do you mean Farmer Dud? :) Great pictures Claire!
Yes, that's exactly who I mean! He's the best farmer we have!
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