Well, I thought when we left for the tournament, we needed to file this experience under, "
You Must be Kidding Me!". It was pouring like CRAZY, much worse than 2 weeks ago when it was postponed. The powers that be decided that it was supposed to clear up, so they said the tournament was ON. Check in and the first games were a mess! It was raining pretty hard, but both Collin and Danny's team and Nathan's team won the first round. After that game, the rain did start to let up. By the third games, we didn't need our umbrellas anymore.

I was so proud of the poor girls, they were real troopers! They didn't play, but they hung in there the WHOLE day! They didn't even complain too much (although they were ready to go by the 5th games). I think a soft pretzel helped a little as did the snacks I brought.
I have to say, I am not sure I have ever been as proud of the boys as I was yesterday. They played-and played HARD-in tough conditions all day long! The fields were wet, the ball was wet, their socks and cleats were wet, their uniforms were soaked, and it was cold and windy. They played on as if there were no problems...as if it was reasonable to play on a rainy, windy, cold day. The heart and soul they left on the field was awesome!
Collin (black socks) and Danny's (white socks) team had 6 players while Nate's (number 17) had only 5. That missing player on Nate's team made a HUGE difference. Instead of being able to substitute all 3 at a time, his team had to rotate subs. On top of that, one of the top players on Nate's team hurt his ankle in the Quarter Finals and he was unable to play on.

This left Nathan to feel as if he needed to "carry" his team. He was all over the field! I don't think they took him out for a rest the whole game. He was also playing against the most aggressive kid I have ever seen is his age group. If that kid had attacked a kid other than Nathan, he would've really hurt someone. (Nate is so big and strong, he didn't stop playing, but he was really hurting at the end of the game.) Gary said that Danny and Collin's game was close too. He said there were a few missed opportunities and the game might have turned out differently. I do know that both boys played really hard.
Unfortunately, both teams lost in the Semi-Final round. It was a bummer to get that far and not make the finals, but I have to say, our boys were amazing! Gary and I couldn't have asked for anymore out of them.
It turned out to be a much better day than I could've hoped. The boys did a great job, the girls were really very good, and the weather did clear a little. As a matter of fact, I am the ONLY person I know that can get a sunburn on a rainy day. I am RED today! Who would've thought I needed sunscreen when it was 58 degrees and raining? Not me!
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