Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Tea Party Cookies

Claire and I are going to a little girl tea tomorrow. I thought it might be fun to make some cookies to take. Remember, I wasn't thrilled with the icing from my last cookies, so I wanted to try again anyway. I was on a quest for the perfect teapot cookie cutter, but never found it. I did find one that was okay, so I used it. It would've been nice if it had been a little bigger so the detail might have been a little easier. I have to say, teapots are HARD to do. Flowers and pumpkins are much easier!
Oh well, they're not perfect, but it was fun. When Claire saw them, she said, "I don't like it, I LOVE it! Thank you so much Momma!"
That's it, that's all I needed to hear to feel as if I had been successful. She loved them, so my job was done and done well.

While I had the icing made, I decided to make some Rice Crispies treats and decorate them for a family I'm taking dinner to tomorrow. Their family has 1 girl and 2 boys, so I needed to make something less girly. I tried to make basket and baseballs. They're not too bad for my first try with the treats. I just love to learn a new skill!


Unknown said...

Those are the cutest cookies EVER! I have never been good at frosting much of anything....unless its one of my kid's behinds with diaper cream!
Who needs to know how to make homemade bread when you can make cookies as cute as that?!

Momma said...

Thanks so much Sunday! It is a lot of fun to see the kids faces when they see the cookies. It's great when I can impress them!

Misty V said...

The cookies are awesome! You are the best Momma!