Thursday, October 30, 2008

A Wonderful Perspective

Our elementary school is going to do the play The Nutcracker for the winder program. Any child is welcome to try out. Of course, my two girls are all over it. The boys, not so much. No problem, it's not required. Claire's tryouts were today. When she came home I asked what part she wanted, fully anticipating she would want to be Clara. I was surprised to find out I was totally wrong. Claire wants to be a dancing fairy. GREAT!!! There is only one Clara, but I assume there are several dancing fairies. Our odds are great! When I asked why she wanted to be a dancing fairy Claire had the most wonderful perspective. She said, "Momma, I get to be Claire everyday. Claire is just like Clara. I think someone else should have a chance to be Clara since I am her all of the time." I LOVE it! Sounds great to me! I hope she gets to be a dancing fairy. I know she'll be the best Claire, the dancing fairy, ever.

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