Wednesday, October 29, 2008


I admit it, I'm now addicted to this blog thing. I went to bed to get some much needed sleep...but do you think I am asleep? Nope, I'm laying in bead writing IN MY HEAD a new entry for this silly blog. Well, maybe after I get it out of my head and into the computer I'll go to sleep!

Anyway, when your children are small, milestones come pretty quickly. First smile, rolling over, first giggle, first know what I mean. Well, as they get a little older, those milestones are fewer and farther between. Well, today, Kaylyn and I have had a milestone. Today, Kaylyn gave me a pair of HER earrings to wear. She bought some earrings at Target this weekend with a gift certificate from her birthday, and today she had me wear a pair because it matched my shirt. Now, are they my style (hot pinkish/purple dangle hearts)...not really, but you know I wore them all day today just because she gave them to me. I was in bed thinking that this is really the first time I have been able to share jewelery with Kaylyn. Hmmmm, I think that was worth writing about-a true Momma/daughter milestone. Thanks, Kaylyn, for being such a wonderful "big girl" and sharing with your Momma!

Now that that's out of my head, maybe sleep will enter it! Sweet dreams!

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