Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I've been Had!

Today I got a call from Nathan's nurse telling me that Nate was in her office with a tummy ache. Nathan NEVER goes to the nurse...NEVER. He didn't have a fever, but I thought for sure he had to be REALLY sick-he was in the nurse's office! Really, really sick. Of course, I dropped everything and went to pick him up. When I got there, his cheeks were red. I was, of course, concerned until...

...we get in the car and he reaches for his lunchbox.

He was going to eat the lunch I packed him right there in my car...with a stomach ache!?! Oh no, he was not going to eat that lunch...not in my car! I HATE vomit! I told him he would have to wait for toast at home.

Here is where I started to clue in. His answer was the usual, "But I'm hungry!"


Yes, that's right, I picked Nathan up from school with a very bad case of I'm HUNGRY. Those red cheeks, yeah, they were from his blush knowing he was not really sick, but going home anyway. He came home and wanted to eat everything he could get his hands on. The only things I would allow him were toast, Cheerios, apple juice and a bagel. Of course, he wanted peanut butter sandwich, soda and cheese curls. NOPE!

I've been had. You better believe that he will puke at school before I pick him up again without a fever. What a brat!

Oh, and the punishment? He had to take a nap, help with the laundry, and there will be NO basketball practice for him tonight!


Misty V said...

Tough love, Momma! Lauren, our snack machine, pulled that same thing a month ago. Actually she called home every other day for two weeks. On a Friday she called again and to her surprise I came and got her. I pulled the tough love card-crackers, water, bed, no TV, early bed time curfew for 2 weeks, and no play time until Saturday. Amazingly, she has not called home since!!! I am sad to think that I may face this hurdle again with Tyler soon! Oh, pre-teen boys! Have a great day! Positive side - he is not sick and vomiting and he goes back to school tomorrow!!!

baresheep said...

Hee Hee NATHAN!!!! Must be in the name.

swoozyQ said...

hehehe...tisk tisk Nathan :) Robin, you did a great job dealing with the situation :)