Friday, September 25, 2009

Happy Birthday!

Eleven years ago today my 3 miracle babies were born. We were told that I would NEVER have 3 healthy babies and we needed to do "selective reduction". That was never an option for us...NEVER! I would so love to take my 3 "unhealthy" babies back to that doctor! (I would except that time was a little bit of a blur-I was in shock you know!-and I don't remember which doctor said that to me!) We are so blessed! Happy birthday Kaylyn, Danny and Collin. You make each and every day a miracle to me!

Friday, September 11, 2009


Since school started, I've been a little busy. I've neglected my blog. My life had been something like this:

Get everyone up and out the door.

Try to get the house clean and neat.

Throw away the TON of papers that come home with the kids each day.

Grocery shopping.

Make dinner while helping with homework.

Eat dinner as fast as possible so that we can...

Run to soccer practice.


That's it. Just trying to get into the crazy school-soccer routine. While I love the kids playing soccer, it takes up a ton of time at night. Of course, my kids and husband are ALWAYS the last to leave the field and only when it is too dark to shoot on goal anymore. Again, I don't mind, but it makes for a later bedtime than I would like. All in all it's really a great time of life-busy but great!