Monday, April 6, 2009

My Little Entrepreneur

The other day, Claire comes struggling in from the garage with a very heavy box. She has loaded about 9 water bottles and a small bin of water bottle flavor mixes into the box and is trying to carry it around. Why?

"A dollar for a water bottle...the mix is free," she says.

"Honey, I have bought those bottles once already," says the Momma, trying to explain why I'm not going to shell out money.

"But I want money."

"I understand that, however, I am not going to buy water bottles that I can get out of the garage."

"Fine, can I go over to Grammy's? She'll buy some!"

And she did!


baresheep said...

I want some!!! Sign me up Miss Lovey!!!

Misty V said...

Smart girl! Did she pay you for the business start up expenses?!?