Wednesday, April 29, 2009
A New Rant...Beware!
My issue is with the PUSHING of buying books at SCHOOL where the children are to be LEARNING.
It's bad enough that we get the Scholastic fliers (mini catalogs) every several weeks that cause a great deal of "discussion", anger, and tears when I refuse to buy from them. Then TWICE a year they bring to school huge, rolling bookshelves full of books that the children go visit and make wish lists. Those lists come home for parents to look at (i.e., write a check for) and the children go BACK to buy those books. Oh, and please be aware, they are filled with great literary pieces like Spiderman/Batman comic books, AJ & Ally (two sisters from the Disney world) mystery books and High School Musical poster books. And don't even get me started on the assortment of pencils, erasers and sharpeners (that break before they even get home) that are sitting at the check out place.
Now, call me old fashioned, but I think my children are at school to LEARN, not buy books. If a child doesn't get to buy a book during Book Fair, they feel as if they have missed out on something. This little money making scheme is promoted as "raising money for the school" otherwise known as fundraisers.
Wait, isn't that what my TAXES are for? Do we really need to use our children to raise more money? Is it really effective to use the children buying literary fluff to raise money so that they can learn better at school? I'm not seeing the common sense here!
Needless to say, it gets expensive to buy all of the books to "raise money for the school" when you have 5 kids. My kids did buy books today, except Collin, who came home in tears because he didn't have enough money to get what he wanted. Now, we need to go back tomorrow and see if they have what he wants. Oh, the joy of it all.
A New Car!
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Hot Sunday Weather
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Saturday Soccer
I can't believe just how much real estate Nathan can cover playing center midfielder. His throw in is a true weapon for his team and he had to throw in more in this game than ever before. The other coach was so impressed that he pulled Nate over after the game to complement him. That was really nice!
Collin and Danny, as usual, were tough on defence. We aren't really sure what the coach is doing, but he wants them to play really far forward. It's a little hard to understand the new way of playing, but the boys are really doing a great job getting back when they need to. I love to watch them play together. It's awesome to see them cover for one another. It's so natural for them to watch one another and help when needed. It's almost not fair...almost!
Even though they lost, it was a lot of fun to watch. I am so glad that they enjoy playing because I really enjoy watching!
Friday, April 24, 2009
Volunteer's Assembly
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Jump Rope Club
Even Claire tried after the performance. She wouldn't do the club this year because she didn't think she could jump rope. (Sadly she has a little of her Momma's perfectionism...if she can't do it perfectly, she's not gonna do it!) Maybe next year she'll try too!
Grammy and Grandpa Dud came to watch. Grammy's back hurt that night, or I am sure she could've showed the kids a thing or two. Word is that she was quite a jumper at one time.
Nathan all but started a riot. There were at least 10-12 kids crowding around him chanting, "Jump...Jump...Jump". Really, at one point, almost everyone in the room turned to see what was going on!Of course, being the cool middle schooler not wanting to look silly, he didn't want to. The kids kept it up and kept it up until...
He gave it a try and did great. All of the kids cheered and cheered for him. Aaaaaah, to be the cool older kid. What a life!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Stormy Skies
Picture Day!
All I can say is I really don't want those pictures now. Each time I look at them I will be reminded of the LOVELY communication the children and I share. I will also be reminded of how much the kids enjoy looking nice to go to their "church clothes". By the way, when did they become church clothes just because they had a collar and/or buttons? Really! All shirts with collars and buttons are labeled "church clothes" in this house.
Quick, someone remind me as to why this matters? Someone? Anyone?
Monday, April 20, 2009
Weekend Pictures
Thanks for a fun time, girls. See you same time next year!
Great Weekend with the Girls
It was nice to get away. It was nice to then come home. I think they missed me!
Friday, April 17, 2009
Good Luck to Daddy
Thanks, Honey, for letting me get away! You are too awesome for words! ;) I'll be home in several days a more relaxed, fun, energized wife. Love ya!
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Quiet Week
It's that time of year again! Today, I have to pack for a Girl's Weekend. I leave tomorrow for a fun filled couple of days with a few girlfriends at the beach. I started this weekend about 5-6 years ago with a bunch of girls. Through the years, there have been different girlfriends that come and go, but we have managed to get away for one weekend a year. We start looking forward to it around Christmas. By the time spring rolls around, well, we are all READY to get away! It's great! I am a much better wife and mother when I have a little away time to relax and miss the kids They are happier/more appreciative when I have been away for several days. It's a win/win!
OH, by the way, we leave in about 15 hours and 41 minutes...not that I'm counting or anything!
Monday, April 13, 2009
The End of Spring Break
I find myself, once again, in the strange place of being ready for the kids to go back to school on one hand, yet knowing I will miss them when they go on the other. I love having some time to get the shopping, cleaning, cooking, etc. without "extra help", but I do love having the kids at home with me. Sometimes I wonder if I am the only Momma that feels this way. Maybe the best of both worlds would be to have the kids in school 3 days a week all year around. Hmmmm, it's a thought for a perfect world. What do you think?
Happy Birthday!
****Note to self...We need more pictures with the grandparents. We don't have many good ones that I can find!****
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Happy Easter!
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Easter Baskets
Easter Creations
Friday, April 10, 2009
Total Failure!
No one in my house liked it at all. Nathan yelled at me when he tried it. He wanted to know why I did that to was just NASTY! Collin said it was just too cheesy and sticky. Danny said it was just gross. Claire said she just didn't like the spices. Couldn't I please just make it with noodles and cheese, no spices. Kaylyn, well Kaylyn took one look and, true to form, gagged. I threw it all away. (It was throw it away now or wait until it grew green in the frig. I choose to do it now!) What a waste of 4 cups noodles, 1 pound cheese, butter, an egg and seasonings.
I am bummed...and I am still craving good mac and cheese...and I don't have the ingredients to make another batch.
Pppffffftttt! I HATE it when a recipe doesn't come together. Makes me feel like a failure...a wasting food failure. I can hear in the back of my mind, "There are children starving in China you know!" Although to be honest, I don't think they would've liked it either! Even worse, Claire went to throw something away and burst into tears because I wasted all that food. (Yes, she does need a nap.) Never fear, my children are always here to make me feel better about myself...and my cooking!
Thursday, April 9, 2009
A Good Day!
Anyway, my doctor decided that instead of going every 6 months, I can now go every 12 months. YAY! This is wonderful news. Thank you God that I have been so healthy-despite myself.
After the appointment, I had a wonderful day of shopping while Mom kept the kids. I have to say, I love Crate and Barrel, Potterybarn, Anthropology and Target. After today, they love me too! Thankfully, all but Target are too far away for me to visit too often. It was great to have an afternoon to myself without the stress of getting home before the kids. I feel somewhat relaxed and renewed...even on a day I had to see a doctor. I am so blessed that Mom enjoys keeping the kids for me and they sure love visiting with her. All in all, a great day was had by all!
Oh, and as a bonus, when I went to check in on Nathan at bedtime tonight, he gave me a hug and told me he missed me today. Wow, that's huge coming unsolicited from my 12 year old man/child! I think I just might savor this day for a while.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Flowers vs. Weeds
I am so thankful that I have children that look at dandelions and see beautiful flowers for Momma instead of ugly weeds in our grass. Look at my "symbols of love" from my kids.

Monday, April 6, 2009
Don't Do It!

My Little Entrepreneur
"A dollar for a water bottle...the mix is free," she says.
"Honey, I have bought those bottles once already," says the Momma, trying to explain why I'm not going to shell out money.
"But I want money."
"I understand that, however, I am not going to buy water bottles that I can get out of the garage."
"Fine, can I go over to Grammy's? She'll buy some!"And she did!
Sunday, April 5, 2009
First Easter Celebration
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Anyway, after much rest-thank you Gary-and endless sleep, I am feeling half human again. I do feel awful that I missed the first soccer games of the season, but it wasn't a good idea to go today-there are only porti-potties there! The boys were quick to inform me that they would've won if I had been there.
Well, that's it! Have a great weekend!
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Spring Break
I finally clued in and called the middle school today and asked to sign up for a conference. In the fall when I called, I was told I didn't need one because Nathan was on Honor Roll. This time I said I wanted one, Honor Roll or not. I just think it's important to touch base with the teachers that spend all day with my kid.
So, that being said, after conferences, we have Spring lasts until the Tuesday after Easter! I think that's the longest Spring Break I have ever heard of! I am glad to have the time with my kids, but I would really rather they get out of school earlier for summer. Oh well, no one asked me for my opinion.
Poor Claire was under the impression that she would be a second grader after Spring Break. She had a huge fuss when I explained that she would still be in first wasn't until after summer vacation she would be a second grader. Poor thing. She was really heart broken.
Oh well, wish us a happy, LONG break. I am sure we will keep busy! If you're in the area, stop on by.